android - Select and place different shapes in canvas using OnTouch event -

i new android programming in project layout, need created

  1. color palette in grid layout(i put buttons , set color background).
  2. shapes(triangle,square , circle buttons well) in linear layout
  3. next these 2 relative layout users can draw shapes

when user touch on 1 of shape , touch on relative layout (which next shapes), particular shape should drawn , colors. example if user touch on circle shape, touch on screen, circle should drawn @ point user touched.

i managed create 2 touch events in 2 different classes, i.e 1 selecting shapes , other placing shapes in layout.

i have no idea how combine 2 classes together.

can please give me idea how should approach project. should create shapes (should create separate classes each shape/in ondraw())? if create shapes in ondraw() how can call in ontouch()?

any great. in advance.

i hope explained properly, sorry not in english , first time posting in forum.

generally draw shapes on canvas touch event, used code below, may you.

  @override         protected void ondraw (canvas canvas) {             super.ondraw(canvas);    ;             canvas.drawbitmap(mbitmap, 0, 0, null);             canvas.translate(xpos, ypos);             editicon.draw(canvas);             canvas.restore();         //     invalidate();         }         @override         public boolean ontouchevent (motionevent event) {              switch (event.getaction()) {                 case motionevent.action_down :                      xpos = event.getx();                     ypos = event.gety();                     invalidate(); // add here                     break;             }              return true;          } 

check example also,


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