
Showing posts from February, 2013

.htaccess - Cloudfront max-age together with TTL usefull? -

for image gallery use amazon cloudfront. i have set @ origin: cache-control:max-age=31536000 (1 year) 1 . usefull set ttl 0 (24 hours) 1 year too when have set max-age? 2 . amazon check file ttl0 every 24 hours when have set max-age 1 year? amazon saying: objects cached greater of value of cache-control max-age directive or value of cloudfront minimum ttl amazon saying: if object in edge location isn't requested, cloudfront might evict object—remove object before expiration date—to make room objects more popular. in case, think usefull set ttl year, because images stay sure , not before? please correct me. thanks clarification. this question answered in answer cloudfront ttl not working although question not duplicate. no, minimum ttl not useful if setting own cache-control: headers. no, cloudfront not check every 24 hours if minimum ttl or cache-control: headers specify age longer 24 hours. if object going checked cloudfront, object needs

Access Twitter User Timeline using Fabric SDK iOS -

i trying struggle issue 2 days. using fabric sdk , rest kit, trying play different rest api web services twitter. can login using twtrloginbutton having session object authtokensecret , authtoken , other values. when try user timeline, failure response in return as: {"errors":[{"code":215,"message":"bad authentication data. "}]} full error log is: e object request failed: underlying http request operation failed error: error domain=org.restkit.restkit.errordomain code=-1011 "expected status code in (200-299), got 400" userinfo=0x1780f6f80 {nslocalizedrecoverysuggestion={"errors":[{"code":215,"message":"bad authentication data."}]}, nserrorfailingurlkey=, afnetworkingoperationfailingurlrequesterrorkey=<nsmutableurlrequest: 0x1782

jquery - Bootstrap clearer height differs -

i'm usuably using bootstrap build responsive websites , i'm using clearer-class enable correct clearing on mobile devices. can seen in fiddle below, clearer-height differs in last row - because row not filled. <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4"> <div class="thumbnail"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" /> <div class="caption">test</div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix visible-xs">&nbsp;</div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-4"> <div class="thumbnail"> <img src="" class="img-responsive" />

ibm - MobileFirst application not using deployed adapter, attempting to use development server adapter instead -

i'm running mobilefirst 7.0 on liberty installation. having deployed application , adapter runtime, preview, when run servers operations console, apparently trying communicate adapter development server rather 1 running on liberty. [/maximomobile/apps/services/api/phycount/common/query] failure. state: 404, response: undefined the runtime on server not called maximomobile, name of project within eclipse. shouldn't being referenced @ outside of local copy of mobilefirst. i've looked documentation in instructing application use deployment server rather development server using jndi entries in server.xml file ( ), can't see incorrectly set, or relating adapter. update: have managed set endpoint /worklight required using eclipse, it's still returning 404 , attempting access non-existent file. answering o

Unable to connect to HTTP server and fetch json string in android -

i trying fetch json string, url: . got io exception while try fetch json string. package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.list; import org.apache.http.httpentity; import org.apache.http.httpresponse; import org.apache.http.namevaluepair; import org.apache.http.client.clientprotocolexception; import org.apache.http.client.entity.urlencodedformentity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.httpget; import org.apache.http.client.methods.httppost; import org.apache.http.client.utils.urlencodedutils; import org.apache.http.impl.client.defaulthttpclient; import org.apache.http.util.entityutils; import org.json.jsonexception; import org.json.jsonobject; import android.util.log; public class serverhandler { static inputstream = null; static jsonobject jobj = null; static string json =

java - Gibberish characters in Excel Export -

i'm getting gibberish characters in exported excel web page in excelbean.setheaders(constants.values); in public static final string[] values= { "agrès"}; i should - agrès although i'm getting - agrès replace è "agrès" below: java source code: è \u00e8 i.e. agr\u00e8s using html entity: è &#232; i.e. agr&#232;s

html - How to add inline input elements between texts -

i trying create form similar this. finding hard show text inline form elements. form this: certify beneficial owner resident of ____ within meaning of income tax treaty between united states , country______ text here. (i want place text fields in place of dots) <p> certify beneficial owner resident of <input type="text" /> </p> put inside p (paragraph) tag. copy , paste code.

c# - Lync UserEndpoint appears online to users but can't be called -

i have lync 2013-based application which: connects userendpoint (hereinafter callcenter) redirects calls made callcenter according bla bla bla business logic. at times, user see callcenter in standard lync 2013 client online, if user attempts start im call callcenter, user receives message "we couldn't send message because callcenter unavailable or offline." i haven't been able identify process leads this, if it's happened 1 user, of other users experience same problem when attempting call callcenter. way have been able recover callcenter has been restart application. regular interaction callcenter resumes without problem. if callcenter indeed "unavailable or offline", why it's presence appear "online"? there need renew / keep callcenter's connection alive every often? for reference, connect callcenter so: userendpointsettings settings = new userendpointsettings(useruri, _proxyhost, _proxyport); settings.automaticpresen

tomcat - Getting 403 error with Curl for calling java web application with jsessionId -

i running curl command in centos release 6.4 (final) line below, , requested pages java web application pages hosted on tomcat7. curl in response sessionid request next page this: curl;jsessionid=71a6fc0d190ab25a63938dfcbee26025?cbb0fc79382a4f039e6f8eb5fef8b1cd=success.filled but in response this: <html><head><title>apache tomcat/7.0.26 - error report</title><style><!--h1 {font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525d76;font-size:22px;} h2 {font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525d76;font-size:16px;} h3 {font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525d76;font-size:14px;} body {font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;color:black;background-color:white;} b {font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;color:white;background-color:#525d76;} p {font-family:tahoma,arial,sans-serif;background:white;color:black;f

python - NER Tools for academic use -

i have research project needs best ner results . can please me best ner tools have python library. talking java, stanford ner seems best ceteris paribus. there lingpipe , illinois , others, take @ acl list . also consider this paper experimental comparison of several nercs.

php - Cakephp retrieves pages over limit -

i'm using cakephp 1.3 paginator, works fine, except this: if have 5 pages, accessing kind of url i'll last page, if access to i last page. want not retrieve values, since not valid page. my configuration this: var $paginate = array( 'post' => array( 'limit' => 10, 'order' => array('' => 'desc') ) ); $posts = $this->paginate('post'); well, that's unfortunately how works until cakephp 2.3 , , it's buried in middle of controller::paginate() method: // ... if ($page === 'last' || $page >= $pagecount) { $options['page'] = $page = $pagecount; // ... so pretty have 1 option, calculate page count , use validate current page.

php - White spaces send in my file when downloading -

i using download file function in laravel so: if(input::get('download')){ return response::download('file_and_path'); } now download file when press button called: download . when try open file(e.g docx document), tell me file corrupted , asks me if repair file. when click yes, right file opened. jpg files cant repair that. it'll file damaged. when open files(which stored in downloads folder) in notepad, see there's tab or white space @ start. colleague said try out function: ob_get_clean() , file not damaged anymore upon downloading. colleague said that's not right solution problem i'm having. before download function, upload file first. in public/files/ whenever open there, open without problems without ob_get_clean() . when var_dump(ob_get_clean()); get: string(1) " " . tried find out messed code cant seem figure out problem is. in case, there's random tab in code of file, problem be? code way show need direction in pro

php - Can i use the below to unset several sessions -

i have several sessions this: $_session['search']['max'] $_session['search']['order'] currently, unset each 1 of them separate statement: if(isset($_session['search']['max']) && $_session['search']['max'] != ''){ unset($_session['search']['max']); } if(isset($_session['search']['order']) && $_session['search']['order'] != ''){ unset($_session['search']['order']); } my question - can use below general unset statement instead of having separate statement each session: if(isset($_session['search']) && $_session['search'] != ''){ unset($_session['search']); } are there advantages of declaring each unset statement separately? note: need unset them @ same time, meaning not need keep 1 or more use again, therefore believe 1 statement s

javascript - Refresh form (Ctrl+F5) doesn't fire Retrieve Plugin in CRM 2011 -

i need update entity1 based on creation of entity2 (math calculation) while form of entity1 open. when refresh entity1 form, field has old value until close , open entity1 form (the caching issue). i found out doesn't fire retrieve plugin. there way overcome issue refreshing form? first , foremost: latest crm has update form data "automagically" (not mention fact fields self-refresh when changed via plugins). if upgrading not option, i'd setup "watcher" function this: // attach form load event function keepyourfieldinsync() { setinterval(function(){ var current ="yourfield"); // not shown here, updated value server var fetched = fetch_yourfield_value_from_odata_or_soap(); if(fetched != current){"yourfield").setvalue(fetched); // if users aren't allowed set field han

ios - Foursquare API: Consider close proximity as check-in -

i've been looking foursquare api on ios (through das-quadrat ). i'd figure out if user is at specific location. know how find , can it. works. how can tell if user close enough location consider close proximity check-in (i'm not interested in checking him in foursquare way)? it's want know user @ venue of category i'm monitoring. know can calculate distance between user's location , venue's location , consider every distance less than, say, 15 meters check-in wondering if there's more elegant solution, maybe api endpoint i'm missing. i guess real time api best suited: allows register notifications, foursquare heavy lifting you.

jquery - How do I trigger an event after a certain amount of scrolling? -

i'm using little code , it's working fine header img. later on page want use same effect again. except action called first moment begin scroll. want action happen when i'm @ relevant div, or after amount of pixels. need add? thanks in advance! <script> $(window).scroll(function() { var s = $(window).scrolltop(), opacityval = (s / 150.0); $('.blur_img').css('opacity', opacityval); }); </script> you have add check in code: .scrolltop() returns how user has scrolled vertically. <script> $(window).scroll(function() { var s = $(window).scrolltop(); if (s > 200) { opacityval = (s / 150.0); $('.blur_img').css('opacity', opacityval); } }); </script>

Delphi 7 - Not Enough Actual Parameters -

i'm new delphi 7, in forum , i've questions. i have converted url string hex using jorlen young's function strtohex - advanced encryption standard (aes) interface unit v1.3 !. but, when implement function encryptstring , got error @ bottom of code: encrypt := encryptstring(''); following messsage: [hint] unit1.pas(xx): variable 'st' declared never used in 'encryptstring' [error] unit1.pas(xx): not enough actual parameters [fatal error] project1.dpr(5): not compile used unit 'unit1.pas' could give me tips in how implement "key" , "keybit" option syntax: encrypt := encryptstring(''); ? i appreciate help. code : ..................... ..................... type tkeybit = (kb128, kb192, kb256); ..................... ..................... procedure idmappedporttcp1execute(athread: tidmappedportthread); private { private declarations - Choice of analyzer for full text search in books -

i using lucene want make full text search of books includes arabic , english books. not sure choice of analyzer should use. great if suggest me right analyzer his/her experience. thanks if want include stemming , other language-specific analysis rules, , can identify language document or query in, can use arabicanalyzer arabic documents , queries, , snowballanalyzer english documents , queries (like: new snowballanalyzer(myversion, "english") ). if want use non-language-specific analysis of them, should stick standardanalyzer .

delphi - How to use TFramedScrollBox correctly with Touchscrolling, if there are Buttons inside? -

i have derived tframedscrollbox implement in component class constructs me on given dimension (x , y) buttons onto framedscrollbox. works fine. touchscrolling on object works fine, if property touch.pan set true . can scroll on buttons , "touching" or "tapping" buttons click event happens right after touch. derived component, component, used on application, because need be. the problem(s) the given app running in fullscreen mode on win 8 systems necessary our business. in above explained situation not possible tap buttons fast after others, because click events don't rises. , logic behind not necessary. 1 problem... if switch form none fullscreenmode touch on different buttons rises click event immediatly wished. have discovered if above mentioned property pan set false, on fullsceenmode every touch click rises event scrollbox don't scrolls touch gesture... now comes question in title... ps. if wished can send simple sample...

antlr4 - Why is this left-recursive and how do I fix it? -

i'm learning antlr4 , i'm confused @ 1 point. java-like language, i'm trying add rules constructs member chaining, that: expr1.methodcall(expr2).methodcall(expr3); i'm getting error, saying 2 of rules mutually left-recursive: expression : literal | variablereference | lparen expression rparen | statementexpression | memberaccess ; memberaccess: expression dot (methodcall | fieldreference); i thought understood why above rule combination considered left-recursive: because memberaccess candidate of expression , memberaccess starts expression . however, understanding broke down when saw (by looking @ the java example ) if move contents of memberaccess expression , got no errors antlr4 (even though still doesn't parse want, seems fall loop): expression : literal | variablereference | lparen expression rparen | statementexpression | expression dot (methodcall | fieldreference) ; why first example lef

javascript - Smoothing arcs/plot points in D3.js/GeoJSON/TopoJSON/Shapefile (somewhere along the way) -

i've been looking around while answer this, , haven't been able figure out. i'm creating topojson file grid based data (grib files). i can pretty interpolate data down finer resolution grid plot points appear smoother when zoomed out, when zoomed in, it's inevitable see blocky grid points. i've looked simplification, a bit not quite smoothing. i'm using d3 render data. is can done on front end or should/can done in raw topojson data? i don't want able tell it's grid, if zoom in 10,000%. here's example of i'm after: is can done on front end or should/can done in raw topojson data? this should done on front end. if smooth data before wrote json file, file needlessly big.

javascript - issues w/ centering google map in bootstrap3 modal... keeps changing -

hi , help. have bootstrap 3 page put google map modal. after tweaking , research, reading able map show, correctly in desktop , mobile formats (map fill modal no grey, not break out of modal in responsive etc.) last issue find center marker not center inside frame after render time. after page reload map appear correctly, sometimes, not. in chrome, firefox, mozilla , opera test browsers. hours , hours spent on please. here's code: html <!-- google map in modal --> <!-- button trigger modal --> <p><a href="#mapmodals" data-toggle="modal" role="button" data-target="#mapmodal" class="btn btn-primary"><b>map satori spa</b></a></p> <!-- maps --> <div class="modal fade" id="mapmodal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="#mapmodal" aria-hidden="true">

java - Netty 4 and 5 - multicast not working for me -

i have been trying udp multicast working netty 4.0.26 , 5.0.0.alpha2, without success. have adapted code this post in edited form supposedly works, not me. attached code echoes "send 1", "send 2" etc. corresponding packets never received. in expression localsocketaddr = new inetsocketaddress(localaddr, mcast_port) have tried port 0 well, without success. kinds of other combinations of bind port , local address have been tried also. the various socket options copied other post mentioned. can tell me i'm doing wrong? java 8 on windows 8.1. thanks much, sean import io.netty.bootstrap.bootstrap; import io.netty.buffer.bytebuf; import io.netty.buffer.unpooled; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.netty.

excel - Loop through filter criteria -

i've been trying figure out no progress... i have filter (column d) , i'm trying create loop each criteria (i got @ least 1000 criterias) on filter. ex: each criteria on filter (column d), i'll run range copy... that code isnt working @ all: sub whatfilters() dim ifilt integer ifilt = 4 dim ifiltcrit integer dim numfilters integer dim crit1 variant activesheet.range("$a$1:$aa$4635").autofilter field:=16, criteria1:= _ "waiting" numfilters = activesheet.autofilter.filters.count debug.print "sheet(" & & ") has " & numfilters & " filters." if activesheet.autofilter.filters.item(ifilt).on crit1 = activesheet.autofilter.filters.item(ifilt).criteria1 ifiltcrit = 1 ubound(crit1) debug.print "crit1(" & ifiltcrit & ") '" & crit1(ifiltcrit) 'copy next i

AngularJS Performance: conditional inline classes/ng-if vs controller function; -

i have controller lots of conditional inline classes helps change style(e.g. game in progress , completed game has different font colors) , ng-if conditional representation (e.g display short name vs full name if team consist of 2 people) of elements depending on values of incoming data. example of ng-if: <span ng-if="(isshortname && eventtype == 's')|| eventtype == 'd'" ng-bind="player.shortname"></span> <span ng-if="(!isshortname && eventtype == 's')" ng-bind="(player.firstname + ' ' + player.lastname)"></span> since same layout used multiple times (many events @ same time), created directive displays 1 event , ng-repeat apply directive multiple events incoming data. this event directive have directives e.g display header of table. the amount of incoming of data huge. many bindings noticing slowing in performance. i wondering view of best practices , performa

php - jquery - how to create condition in success function -

i want create jquery ajax success function based resp logout.php. if users not sign in,it redirect bring them login page.,but it's not working i'm expected,no event occur when user logged or, wrong ajax function? logout.php <?php if( !$user->is_logged ) { echo 'true'; }else{ echo 'false'; } ?> jquery function in index.html $(function(){ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: "logout.php", success: function(resp){ if(resp =='true'){ document.location = '../login_test.html'; } if(resp=='false'){ alert('u logged'); } } }); }); change errors , made better view: php: <?php header('content-type: application/json'); if( !$user->is_logged ) { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'ok')); }else{ echo json_encode(array('status' =>

Can't get planetary.js to work -

so have been on plantary.js page, ran though checks, installed asked etc. cannot site load. googled, , looked here well. have used quickstart said well. doing wrong? not versed in jquery although have working knowledge of , believe installed correctly (i'm running other jquery works fine. code: <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='planetaryjs.min.js'></script> </head> <body> <canvas id='globe' width='500' height='500'></canvas> <script type='text/javascript' src='yourapp.js'></script> </body> </html> js (yourapp.js): var planet = planetaryjs.planet(); // can remove statement if `world-110m.json` // in same path

delphi - idhttp.get component doesnt download full HTML File -

i working on program should download html file of wikipedia page , convert html pdf. my program far downloads html file, without pictures , page looks incomplete. is there way can bring idhttp.get component indy package download full html file? unit unit3; interface uses windows, messages, sysutils, variants, classes, graphics, controls,forms, dialogs, stdctrls, idbasecomponent, idcomponent, idtcpconnection, idhttp; type tform3 = class(tform) label1: tlabel; button1: tbutton; button2: tbutton; idhttp1: tidhttp; speichered: tedit; savedialog1: tsavedialog; auswahlb: tbutton; nameed: tedit; procedure button1click(sender: tobject); procedure nameedenter(sender: tobject); procedure auswahlbclick(sender: tobject); private { private declarations } public { public declarations } end; var speicherort, form3: tform3; implementation uses unit2, unit1, filectrl; {$r *.dfm} procedure tform3.button1click(sender: tobject); var respo

perl - installing texinfo on redhat centos 7 ppc64 -

i new redhat , install r-devel . i tried install using following command: yum install r-devel but leads first error below... i on centos 7 ppc64 architecture... i have got point of needing install texinfo-tex , lapack-devel , blas-devel . please see below: error: package: r-core-devel-3.1.3-1.el7.ppc64 (epel) requires: texinfo-tex error: package: r-core-devel-3.1.3-1.el7.ppc64 (epel) requires: lapack-devel error: package: r-core-devel-3.1.3-1.el7.ppc64 (epel) requires: blas-devel >= 3.0 yum install texinfo-tex not seem work says no package texinfo-tex available . so downloaded .rpm , used following try , install it su -c 'rpm -uvh texinfo-5.2-7.fc22.ppc64.rpm' with following error warning: texinfo-5.2-7.fc22.ppc64.rpm: header v3 rsa/sha1 signature, key id xxxxxx:nokey error: failed dependencies: perl(unicode::eastasianwidth) needed texinfo-5.2-7.fc22.ppc64 so try , install dependency perl(unicod

Tesseract OCR finds too few boxes / ignores small characters -

i have problem training/text recognition process tesseract. here trainingdata: while training tesseract ignores dashes (i've marked them red boxes, make clear ones mean) , if i'm using trained data text recognition ignores them. today i've played around tesseract parameters (setvariable(name, value)) unfortunately had no success. can teach tesseract dashes? thank in advance! tesserect training pretty tricky. your best chance might handle dashes single char. if box editor or whatever tools using not see dashes all, try running image processing first, threshold or invert. try taking @ opencv. have excellent tool kind of image processing.

In PHP how do you get the simple text of an XML attribute only XML? -

this question has answer here: accessing @attribute simplexml 8 answers i have xml that's coming curl post that's returning: $output=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <mtmessagersp carrier="102" messageid="769f2e4f-56da-4865-988a-a9199c387a48"/> i'm returning xml via: return simplexml_load_string($output); $result catching return , it's coming as: $result = { "@attributes" : { carrier : "102", messageid : "8d691cbe-d188-42b1-9041-387666d39c6a" } how can drill down messageid plane text? when use this: $result['messageid'] i get: { "0" : "bf629ae9-c86a-486a-bfb0-704e16448ddf" } but want: bf629ae9-c86a-486a-bfb0-704e16448ddf figured out in post: $msgid = (string)

c# - Maintainable Conversions -

i have class inherits base class; same, difference typeparam intellisense. want provide way convert existing parent class child class. i doing way: class { public int f1; public int f2; } class b<t> : { public static b<t> create(a a) { return new b<t> { f1 = a.f1; f2 = a.f2; }; } } my concern not maintainable solution, , cause problems if new fields or properties added forgotten in create method. avoid reflection copy object. is there better way accomplish this? the typical way provide copy constructor within each class in hierarchy. example: class { private int f1; private int f2; public a() { ... } public a(a original) { f1 = original.f1; f2 = original.f2; } } class b<t> : { public b(a original) : base(original) { } // possibly overload b(b<t> original) well? } that way copying happens in class dec

Is Activity.onStop() guaranteed to be called (API 11 +) -

it unclear (to me, @ least) documentation whether activity.onstop guaranteed called. there 2 places seemingly contradictory information. javadoc activity.onstop: note method may never called, in low memory situations system not have enough memory keep activity's process running after onpause() method called. documentation (in particular 'killable' column) activity class : starting honeycomb, application not in killable state until onstop() has returned. impacts when onsaveinstancestate(bundle) may called (it may safely called after onpause() , allows , application safely wait until onstop() save persistent state. it's bit of struggle find way both pieces of documentation telling truth. scenario can think of this: suppose developing on target api 21 (with min sdk 10) , write activity onstop() method. if run application on api 10 phone, onstop() not guaranteed call

html - Issues with JavaScript clock -

i'm having issue modifying javascript code include seconds on clock displayed. i've tried highlight additions i've made source via \|/\|/ before , after section in both html , javascript. sorry if it's not clear. there isn't way bolden code sections. i understand html enough: <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="toppadding"><br><br><br><br></div> <br><br> <div id="clock"> <span id="hour"></span><span id="colon" class="on">:</span><span id="minute"></span> \|/\|/ <span id="colon" class="on">:</span><span id="second"></span> \|/\|/ <!-- <span id="suffix"></span> --> </div> <div id="thedate"> <span id="day"></span>, <

html - Bootstrap Carousel auto-scrolls whole page when changing slides -

i'm trying add bootstrap carousel our existing website carousel works fine except page scrolls carousel lines top of browser. think has navbar , way auto-scrolls section select. this code navbar, i'm not sure why scrolls though carousel section isn't included. (quick note: carousel between section , membership section if makes different) (before click next) (after click next) <header id="header" class="light"> <!-- logo: delete "class="logo"" remove logo or upload own logo "assets/images". --> <a id="logo" href="#intro"></a> <!-- navigation: each item below must correspond "section" id's defined below. --> <ul id="navigation"> <li class="current"><a href="#intro">home</a></li> <li><a href="#a

select - Selecting all record in mysqli -

i want select record in mysqli, using following syntax $stmt->get_result(); but getting single data, want select data , apply while loop on data. thanks in advance wrap in while loop: $stmt->get_result(); while ($row = $result->fetch_array(mysqli_num)) { $rs[]=$row; //or process here. } or use

How Can I get the last inserted sequence value for respective to a web session in JSP and Oracle? -

first of beg request you, please not treat duplicate. have seen threads issue none of type. developing online registration system using jboss 6 , oracle 11g. want give every registrant unique form number sequentially. this, think oracle's sequence_name.nextval primary key field best inserting unique yet sequential number , retrieving same use sequence_name.currval . till hope, it's ok. ensure parity if 2 or more concurrent users submits web form simultaneously? (i mean there overlap of interchange of value among concurrent users?) more precisely, session dependent? let me give 2 hypothetical situations matter becomes clearer. say there 2 users, user1 , user2 trying register @ same time sitting @ newyork , paris respectively. max(form_no) 100 before click submit button. now, in code have written insert member(....) values(seq_form_no.nextval,....). now since 2 users invoke same query sitting @ 2 different terminals own sequential id or user1 user2's o

java - What is the best way to convert an absolute path name to be used as sub-path? -

i writing backup program using java , save files , directories backup destination based on absolute path names of sources. the backup program supposed work under different operating systems (unix, windows, mac os x), need convert absolute pathnames of source files , directories. so @ end convert absolute source path regular sub-path of destination. let me give examples. unix absolute source path: /home/thomas/data destination path: /backup effective destination: /backup/home/thomas/data windows absolute source path: c:\documents , settings\thomas destination path: e:\backup effective destination: e:\backup\c\documents , settings\thomas i use string replacement operations expect run several trouble , start never ending correction story. i think windows environment needs special handling because of leading drive letters. under *nix concatenate 2 paths. note source path unc-path under windows \\share\data. i have searched around , found several similar questions no

java - My CSS stopped working -

i have problem css file haven't been able solve while. i'm relatively new in java web technologies , have no clue could've caused that. i'm trying write mvc based application servlets work controllers, jsp's views , database model. homecontroller supposed retrieve names of categories database , forward view (home.jsp). works fine, can display categories in view since i've implemented homecontroller css file have stopped working. ended working controller , awfull view. have no idea problem is. here's significant files: web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemalocation="" id="webapp_id" version="3.0"> <context-param> <param-name>databaseurl</param