Delphi 7 - Not Enough Actual Parameters -

i'm new delphi 7, in forum , i've questions.

i have converted url string hex using jorlen young's function strtohex - advanced encryption standard (aes) interface unit v1.3!.

but, when implement function encryptstring, got error @ bottom of code: encrypt := encryptstring(''); following messsage:

[hint] unit1.pas(xx): variable 'st' declared never used in 'encryptstring' [error] unit1.pas(xx): not enough actual parameters [fatal error] project1.dpr(5): not compile used unit 'unit1.pas' 

could give me tips in how implement "key" , "keybit" option syntax: encrypt := encryptstring(''); ?

i appreciate help. code :

    .....................     .....................  type   tkeybit = (kb128, kb192, kb256);     .....................     .....................     procedure idmappedporttcp1execute(athread: tidmappedportthread);    private     { private declarations }   public { public declarations }   end;  implementation  function strtohex(const str: ansistring): ansistring; asm     push ebx     push esi     push edi     test eax,eax     jz   @@exit     mov  esi,edx     mov  edi,eax     mov  edx,[eax-4]     test edx,edx     je   @@exit      {length(s) = 0}     mov  ecx,edx     push ecx     shl  edx,1     mov  eax,esi     {$ifdef ver210}     movzx ecx, word ptr [edi-12]     {$endif}     call system.@lstrsetlength     mov  eax,esi     call uniquestring     pop   ecx   @@sethex:     xor  edx,edx     mov  dl, [edi]     mov  ebx,edx     shr  edx,4     mov  dl,byte ptr[edx+@@hexchar]     mov  [eax],dl     ,  ebx,$0f     mov  dl,byte ptr[ebx+@@hexchar]     inc  eax     mov  [eax],dl     inc  edi     inc  eax     loop @@sethex   @@exit:     pop  edi     pop  esi     pop  ebx     ret   @@hexchar: db '0123456789abcdef' end;  function encryptstring(value: ansistring; key: ansistring; keybit: tkeybit = kb128): ansistring; var   {$ifdef ver210}   ss,ds: tmemorystream;   {$else}   ss, ds: tstringstream;   {$endif}   size: int64;   aeskey128: taeskey128;   aeskey192: taeskey192;   aeskey256: taeskey256;   st: ansistring; begin   result := '';   {$ifdef ver210}     ss := tmemorystream.create;     ss.writebuffer(pansichar(value)^,length(value));     ds := tmemorystream.create;   {$else}     ss := tstringstream.create(value);     ds := tstringstream.create('');   {$endif}   try     size := ss.size;     ds.writebuffer(size, sizeof(size));     if keybit = kb128     begin       fillchar(aeskey128, sizeof(aeskey128), 0 );       move(pansichar(key)^, aeskey128, min(sizeof(aeskey128), length(key)));       encryptaesstreamecb(ss, 0, aeskey128, ds);     end;     if keybit = kb192     begin       fillchar(aeskey192, sizeof(aeskey192), 0 );       move(pansichar(key)^, aeskey192, min(sizeof(aeskey192), length(key)));       encryptaesstreamecb(ss, 0, aeskey192, ds);     end;     if keybit = kb256     begin       fillchar(aeskey256, sizeof(aeskey256), 0 );       move(pansichar(key)^, aeskey256, min(sizeof(aeskey256), length(key)));       encryptaesstreamecb(ss, 0, aeskey256, ds);     end;     {$ifdef ver210}       setlength(st,ds.size);       ds.position := 0;       ds.readbuffer(pansichar(st)^,ds.size);       result := strtohex(st);     {$else}       result := strtohex(ds.datastring);     {$endif};;   end; end;  procedure tform1.idmappedporttcp1execute(athread: tidmappedportthread); var payload, encrypt:string; begin  encrypt := encryptstring('');    if pos('connect',athread.netdata)<>0     begin       if host.text = 'operator'         begin            athread.outboundclient.write(athread.netdata+#13#10);            payload := 'get http://'+encrypt+'/ http/1.1'+#13#10;            athread.netdata:= athread.netdata+payload;         end;     end; end. 

cheers, rzv

encryptstring has 2 required , 1 optional parameter. need @ least provide key.


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