internet explorer - How to prevent SVG elements from gaining focus with tabs in IE11? -

there inline svg element among html form elements. when navigate through elements tab key, svg focused, in ie11 only, if svg element has tabindex="-1" attribute set every elements inside it:

<svg width="20px" height="20px" tabindex="-1">     <g tabindex="-1">       <circle cx="8.5" cy="8.5" r="7.75" stroke="#999" stroke-width="1" tabindex="-1" />       […]     </g> </svg> 

to sure it's focusing on element, call document.activeelement in console, , yes, prints out svg thing.

internet explorer 11 should honor negative value, other dom elements, or not? can possibly prevent this?

in case missed it, answer commented:

tabindex part of upcoming svg2 , not yet supported ie11. have @ this question work-around.

thanks @altocumulus


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