java - how to show autocomplete in gwt in tabular format with multiple column? -

following code shows 1 column in autocomplete want shows data in tabular foramte multiple column[in short want show suggestion box in tabular formate]. how can that? in advance please suggest anything..

flowpanel panel = new flowpanel(); initwidget(panel); final bulletlist list = new bulletlist(); list.setstylename("token-input-list-facebook"); final listitem item = new listitem(); item.setstylename("token-input-input-token-facebook"); final textbox itembox = new textbox(); itembox.getelement().setattribute( "style", "outline-color: -moz-use-text-color; outline-style: none; outline-width: medium;"); final suggestbox box = new suggestbox(getsuggestions(), itembox); box.getelement().setid("suggestion_box"); item.add(box); list.add(item); 


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