mysql - Big Query with Python -

is there anyway run queries repeatedly on google big query using python script?

i want query dataset using google big query platform weeks data , want on year. bit tedious query dataset 52 times. instead prefer write python script(as know python).

i hope point me in right direction regarding this.

bigquery supplies client libraries several languages -- see -- , in particular python, docs @ (you'll need follow hyperlinks understand docs). gives example of command-line program, in either java or python, uses google bigquery api run query on 1 of available sample datasets , display result. after imports, , setting few constants, python script boils down to

  storage = storage('bigquery_credentials.dat')   credentials = storage.get()    if credentials none or credentials.invalid:       # run oauth2 flow default arguments.       credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, storage, tools.argparser.parse_args([]))    http = httplib2.http()   http = credentials.authorize(http)    bigquery_service = build('bigquery', 'v2', http=http)    try:     query_request =     query_data = {'query':'select top( title, 10) title, count(*) revision_count [publicdata:samples.wikipedia] wp_namespace = 0;'}      query_response = query_request.query(projectid=project_number,                                          body=query_data).execute()     print 'query results:'     row in query_response['rows']:       result_row = []       field in row['f']:         result_row.append(field['v'])       print ('\t').join(result_row)    except httperror err:     print 'error:', pprint.pprint(err.content)    except accesstokenrefresherror:     print ("credentials have been revoked or expired, please re-run"            "the application re-authorize") 

as see, 30 lines, concerned getting , checking authorization , handling errors. "core" part, net of such considerations, half lines:

    bigquery_service = build('bigquery', 'v2', http=http)     query_request =     query_data = {'query':'select top( title, 10) title, count(*) revision_count [publicdata:samples.wikipedia] wp_namespace = 0;'}      query_response = query_request.query(projectid=project_number,                                          body=query_data).execute()     print 'query results:'     row in query_response['rows']:       result_row = []       field in row['f']:         result_row.append(field['v'])       print ('\t').join(result_row) 


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