groovy - Remap keys for groovysh when opened in ConEmu -

previous title: groovy shell settings/config file location on windows , example

where can find/create groovysh/groovy shell settings/config file in microsoft windows 7?

groovysh has issue groovy-6453 keys don't work correctly on windows version of groovy. i'd used autohotkey remap keys i've started use conemu , haven't figured out how differentiate tabs far autohotkey.

i'm hoping i'll able remap keys in config file works globally user , not need autohotkey script anymore.

just clarify there nothing wrong conemu specific version of groovysh i'm using.

if set title of cmd window start groovysh title stick , autohotkey can check window title.

in conemu commands input box enter -new_console:t:groovy"cmd.exe /c title groovy&&groovysh" t:groovy sets title tab conemu's viewpoint , cmd.exe /c title groovy sets title cmd's viewpoint. additional &&groovysh starts groovy console. autohotkey sees title 'groovy (admin)'

i use autohotkey 'fix' several of keys mentioned in groovy-6453.


#if (winactive("groovy (admin)") || winactive("administrator: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe - groovysh")) up::^p down::^n left::^b right::^f home::^a end::^e del::^d #if 


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