Gigya socialize.removeConnection cannot remove last connected account -

as in documentation in removeconnection found 2 flags need:

removeloginid: if social identity being removed last social identity , associated login id last login id. in case operation fails without removing anything.

lastidentityhandling: determines how handle attempts remove last login identity. may either "soft" or "fail": "soft" - indicates gigya remove stored information related connection, except mapping between user account , social user. way gigya deletes information user account remains accessible if user ever tries login again using same social identity.

using 2 flags trying remove connections exists account.



when trying remove first 1 - ok, when last - returns

{"errormessage": "not supported", "errordetails": "last identity cannot removed", ... }

do have ideas go?

it seems request didn't fulfill conditions described in documentation:

removeloginid boolean indicates whether server should remove login id associated removed social network identity. this can done long following conditions met: 1. login id not associated other identity (site or social). 2. after removing login id there still way login account, i.e. either there social identity connected account or there login id , password pair. if these conditions not met, example, if social identity being removed last social identity , associated login id last login id. in case operation fails without removing anything. default value "false".

i'd suggest contacting gigya support further details.


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