linux - Assembler - adding big (128b) numbers (AT&T assembly syntax) - where to store results? -

i trying add 2 128 bits numbers using att assembly syntax in linux ubuntu 64b , debugging in gdb know after every loop result of adding 2 parts correct how store 4 results together?? considering adding every result stack can't add register content stack, right? doing correctly? real beginner in assembler need uni :/

exit_success = 0 sysexit = 1   number1:     .long 0x10304008, 0x701100ff, 0x45100020, 0x08570030  number2:     .long 0xf040500c, 0x00220026, 0x321000cb, 0x04520031   .global _start _start:      movl    $4, %edx     clc     pushf  _loop:      dec     %edx     movl    number1(,%edx,4), %eax     movl    number2(,%edx,4), %ebx     popf     adcl    %ebx, %eax      cmp $0, %edx     jne _loop      popf     jnc _end     push $1   _end:     mov $sysexit, %eax     mov     $exit_success, %ebx     int     $0x80 


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