Magento recently viewed products not working -

i facing problem showing viewed products in product page.

here local.xml code:

<catalog_product_view translate="label"> reference name="root"> <action method="settemplate">page/1column.phtml <block type="reports/product_viewed" name="product.recently.viewed" as="product_recently_viewed" template="reports/product_viewed.phtml"/></block></reference> 

here footer.phtml code:

<div class="footer-container">          <div class="footer">          <?php $manipage = $this->geturl('');                 $currenturl = mage::helper('core/url')->getcurrenturl();                $url = mage::getsingleton('core/url')->parseurl($currenturl);                         if ($manipage == $currenturl){                  echo $this->takecategory(12,1) /*12 = brands category 1 = show images*/ ;                }          ?>               <div class="block-content">                                              <?php echo $this->getchildhtml('product_recently_viewed') ?>                            </div>.....

here product_viewed.phtml (standard file core) <?php if ($_products = $this->getrecentlyviewedproducts()): ?> <div class="block block-list block-viewed">     <div class="block-title">         <strong><span><?php echo $this->__('recently viewed products') ?></span></strong>     </div>     <div class="block-content">         <ol id="recently-viewed-items">         <?php foreach ($_products $_item): ?>             <li class="item">                 <p class="product-name"><a href="<?php echo $this->getproducturl($_item) ?>"><?php echo $this->helper('catalog/output')->productattribute($_item, $_item->getname() , 'name') ?></a></p>             </li>         <?php endforeach; ?>         </ol>         <script type="text/javascript">decoratelist('recently-viewed-items');</script>     </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> 

when inspect elements, footer empty. files posted in theme. have own css may won't shown expected, @ least div should have data inside, right? please me one. thank in advance.


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