PHP Ignoring all but last array element -

i'm playing around basic php site own knowledge , have text file filled "passwords". i've opened text file array page, when search specific element, password shows valid last option, , seems ignore every other element in array.

so if password list is





when search first 3 elements, says not exist in array. however, if searched last value, 'qwerty' here, match.

<?php $file = explode("\n", file_get_contents("passwords.txt"));   //call function , pass in list if (isset($_post['submit_login'])) {      //set search variable     $search = $_post['password'];      search_array($file, $search); } else {     //echo "you did not search! <br />";     //echo "<a href='searchform.html'>try again?</a>"; }  function search_array($array_value, $search_query) {     echo "<span><h4>the array list: </h4><span/>";     foreach ($array_value $key => $value) {         echo $key." ";         echo $value."<br />";        }     if ($value == $search_query) {         echo "<h5>search stuff</h5>";         echo "you searched for: " . $search_query . "</br>";         echo "your search found in index #" .$key. "<br />";       } else {         echo "you searched for: " . $search_query . "</br>";         echo "your search did not match of items. <br />";         echo "<a href='searchform.html'>try again?</a>";     }   }   ?> 

however, if searched '12345' example, index 1 in array, output

you searched for: 12345

your search did not match of items.

but, searching 'qwerty' last element yields desired response.

don't make complicated, use this:

(here first read file file(). use array_search() see if value in array , key)

<?php      $lines = file("passwords.txt", file_ignore_new_lines)      //call function , pass in list     if (isset($_post['submit_login'])) {          //set search variable         $search = $_post['password'];         search_array($lines, $search);      } else {         //echo "you did not search! <br />";         //echo "<a href='searchform.html'>try again?</a>";     }      function search_array($array_value, $search_query) {         echo "<span><h4>the array list: </h4><span/>";          if(($key = array_search($search_query, $array_value)) !== false) {             echo "<h5>search stuff</h5>";             echo "you searched for: " . $search_query . "</br>";             echo "your search found in index #" .$key. "<br />";         } else {             echo "you searched for: " . $search_query . "</br>";             echo "your search did not match of items. <br />";             echo "<a href='searchform.html'>try again?</a>";         }      }  ?> 


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