java - Closing a remote akka actor connection? -

is possible, and/or necessary, close remote actor in akka?

i able start "server" (in scala):

val actorsystem = actorsystem("testserver")  val actor = actorsystem.actorof(..., name = "testactor") 

and connect "client" actorsystem running on seperate jvm:

remote = context.actorselection("akka.tcp://testserver@localhost:1234/user/testactor") 

i able send messages remote , receive response messages.

however, when it's time client shutdown see following log messages server actorsystem after client jvm dead:

[warn] [04/01/2015 11:27:27.107] [testserver-akka.remote.default-remote-dispatcher-5] ... [akka.tcp://consolesystem@localhost:1236] has failed, address gated [5000] ms. reason is: [disassociated]

are these warnings bad? there remote.closeconnection method should calling prevent warning messages?

thank in advance.

this warning not bad in test example. necessary warn if remote system, associated system dissasociated (shutted down, connection lost, etc.)


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