unity3d - unity2D C# - player must press two switches to open door -

essentially have door trigger event if player presses switch door open. wish if door associated needs 2 switches open well... opens if 2 switches pressed. here code interactswitch

public class interactswitch : monobehaviour {      animator animator;     public dooreventtrigger[] doortriggers;     public bool pressed;     private bool down;     // use initialization     void start ()     {         animator = getcomponent <animator> ();     }      // update called once per frame     void update ()     {      }      void oncollisionenter2d (collision2d target)     {         if (target.gameobject.tag == "player") {             down = true;             animator.setinteger ("switchtrig", 1);              foreach (dooreventtrigger trigger in doortriggers)                  if (trigger != null)                     trigger.toggle (true);         }      } 

when triggered event checks player, shows switch has been pressed sends bool function called toggle handles operation of door.

next have dooreventtrigger event checks if bool sent = true. if door open. here stuck. seen in code have created array of interactswitch stores amount of switches want player have pressed before door open. state if length > 1 if condition true , code added here open door if player has selected interactswitch[].length switches. question how check instances of interactswitch dooreventtrigger equals true?

here dooreventtrigger code

public void toggle (bool val) {         if (switchtriggers.length > 1) {         debug.log ("has done anything");         door.open ();     }      else     {          if (val)              door.open ();         else              door.close ();     }   } 


the solution came near believe efficient answer requires code each time u add new switch have

firstly in interactswitch script bool down public can accessed switchtriggers

public bool down; 

next added code toggle() method

public void toggle (bool val) {         if (switchtriggers.length > 1) {             if((switchtriggers[0].down == true) && (switchtriggers[1].down == true)){         debug.log ("this done something!");         door.open ();         }     }      else     {          if (val)              door.open ();         else              door.close ();     }   } 

now public switchinteract[]; know exact amount of elements in array checked through switchtriggers.length; knowing there 2 elements in array condition switchtriggers.length > 1 correct next take 2 elements in array , check if down; if both down condition continues , debug.log() validates this. open() called opens door.


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