c# - create multiple threads and communicate with them -

i have program, takes long time initialize it's execution rather fast.

it's becoming bottleneck, want start multiple instances of program (like pool) having initialized, , idea pass needed arguments it's execution, saving initialization time.

the problem found howto start new processes passing arguments:
how pass parameters threadstart method in thread?

but start process , able communicate send each thread needed paramenters required it's execution.

the best aproach found create multiple threads initialize program , using communication mechanism (named pipes example it's running in same machine) able pass arguments , trigger execution of program (one of triggers break infinite loop, example).

i'm asking if can advice more optimal solution rather 1 came with.

i suggest don't mess direct thread usage, , use tpl, this:

foreach (var data in your_initialization_logic_method_here) {     task.run(() => yourdelegate(data), //other params here); } 

more task.run on msdn, stephen cleary blog


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