c# - Programmatically Creating and Populating Multiple Listboxes in Grid -

goal: create listbox each parameter on ssrs report.

currently, code works fine if report has 1 parameter. idea populate list of validvalue objects , add labels listbox. should happen each parameter.

how programmatically create multiple list boxes, populate them using foreach statements, , add them grid?

here's code:

        reportparameterinfocollection parameters;         parameters = reportviewer.serverreport.getparameters();         list<string> labels = new list<string>();         list<validvalue> paramlist = new list<validvalue>();         listbox boxbox = new listbox();          foreach (reportparameterinfo param in parameters)         {             paramlist = param.validvalues.tolist();             labels.clear();             boxbox.items.clear();             foreach (validvalue val in paramlist)             {                 labels.add(val.label + " - " + val.value);             }              foreach (string lab in labels)             {                 boxbox.items.add(lab);             }              flygrid.children.add(boxbox);         } 

edit: see solution below. that's curious, i'm trying around ssrs's poor ui parameters , implement own ui based on in report.

figured out. key create list of listbox objects, , add degree of division grid each time. also, grid.setrow required avoid overlap. here code ended using:

        list<listbox> boxlist = new list<listbox>();         list<string> labels = new list<string>();         list<validvalue> paramlist = new list<validvalue>();          int = 0;         foreach (reportparameterinfo param in parameters)         {             boxlist.add(new listbox());             paramlist = param.validvalues.tolist();             labels.clear();             foreach (validvalue val in paramlist)             {                 labels.add(val.label + " - " + val.value);             }              foreach (string lab in labels)             {                 boxlist[i].items.add(lab);             }              flygrid.rowdefinitions.add(new rowdefinition());              flygrid.children.add(boxlist[i]);             grid.setrow(boxlist[i], i);             boxlist[i].margin = new thickness(20);             i++;         } 


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