jquery - Select only one checkbox in group -

i need in html select 1 checkbox in group. find example. can't realize it. doesn't works. here example: example

here code html:

    <div>             <li>                 <div class="radio">                     <label>                     <input type="checkbox" name="mobil[1][]" id="optionsradios1" value="1" checked class="radi">                     Сотовый телефон имеется                     </label>                 </div>             </li>             <li>                 <div class="radio">                     <label>                     <input type="checkbox" name="mobil[1][]" id="optionsradios2" value="0" class="radi">                     Сотовый телефон не имеется                     </label>                 </div>             </li>     <div> 

and code jquery:

$("input:checkbox").on('click', function() {         // in handler, 'this' refers box clicked on         var $box = $(this);         if ($box.is(":checked")) {         // name of box retrieved using .attr() method         // assumed , expected immutable         var group = "input:checkbox[name='" + $box.attr("name") + "']";         // checked state of group/box on other hand change         // , current value retrieved using .prop() method         $(group).prop("checked", false);         $box.prop("checked", true);    }     else {         $box.prop("checked", false);    } }); 

any plz.

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>  <script>    $(function() {      $("input:checkbox").on('click', function() {        // in handler, 'this' refers box clicked on        var $box = $(this);        if ($box.is(":checked")) {          // name of box retrieved using .attr() method          // assumed , expected immutable          var group = "input:checkbox[name='" + $box.attr("name") + "']";          // checked state of group/box on other hand change          // , current value retrieved using .prop() method          $(group).prop("checked", false);          $box.prop("checked", true);        } else {          $box.prop("checked", false);        }      });    });  </script>  <form>    <div>      <li>        <div class="radio">          <label>            <input type="checkbox" name="mobil[1][]" id="optionsradios1" value="1" checked class="radi">Сотовый телефон имеется          </label>        </div>      </li>      <li>        <div class="radio">          <label>            <input type="checkbox" name="mobil[1][]" id="optionsradios2" value="0" class="radi">Сотовый телефон не имеется          </label>        </div>      </li>      <div>  </form>

your provided sample works here.


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