php - Finding a page for text amends in a Magento shop -

i've been asked change text on appears static page on magento powered site. page located @ /delivery.

the /delivery url publicly accessible. don't know lives within system. i'm not sure whether page lives in file or being brought in through magento framework database or other.

within magento admin panel there no pages menu in cms dropdown. furthermore, there aren't references /delivery in catalogue > url rewrite management.

i have root access server, site not built me need tread carefully. far can tell there no specific rewrites /delivery in apache2 configurations. would try grep specific piece of text on page, whole site around 20gb mark, want narrow down possibilities first.

what other avenues of investigation magento or other developer exhaust find text before trying in touch original developers?

if it's definately not cms page, try running on shell

grep -r '<frontname>delivery</frontname>' /path/to/site/app/code/* 

this should find module using frontname. module has configurable frontname, in case connect data base , search value in table;

select * core_config_data value = "delivery" 

seems odd don't have link cms pages in admin, while you're looking @ db, take at;

select * cms_page; 

and confirm delivery page isnt living there.

if page infact in cms_page table, becomes question of why cant tab. first port of call ask person created admin account check whether user role has access particular feature, , if not, added.


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