amazon web services - Does AWS cfn-init need a Profile/Role for DescribeStackResource? -

from this page:

to use aws cloudformation bootstrap features, need provide aws credentials bootstrap scripts. recommend assign iam role on ec2 instance when instance launched.

this seems pretty straightforward, when @ example on place in aws documents, never set roles or profiles this. example, here.

what missing? there scenarios cfn-init requires permissions while not in others?

no, no longer need add cloudformation:describestackresource policies of role associated instance profile in order access cloudformation metadata. scripts such cfn-get-metadata , cfn-init authorized using special cfn header instead of standard aws authorization header. request cfn scripts looks this:

# command succeeds regardless of instance profile cfn-get-metadata --region us-west-1 --stack cftest --resource launchconfig  --key aws::cloudformation::init  /?action=describestackresource&stackname=cftest&version=2010-05-15&contenttype=json&logicalresourceid=launchconfig http/1.1 host: connection: keep-alive accept: application/json accept-encoding: gzip, deflate authorization: cfn_v1 ewogicjwcml2yxrlsx(truncated)==:b9zm3/enzex(truncated)= user-agent: cloudformation tools 

the cfn authorization header concatenation of , , allows instance view cloudformation metadata own stack.

in contrast, request uses instance profile looks this:

# command fails if don’t have cloudformation:describestackresource permission! aws cloudformation --region us-west-1 describe-stack-resource --stack-name cftest --logical-resource-id launchconfig  post / http/1.1 host: accept-encoding: identity content-length: 95 x-amz-date: 20160630t010040z user-agent: aws-cli/1.10.43 python/2.7.11+ linux/4.4.0-28-generic botocore/1.4.33 x-amz-security-token: fqody(truncated-token)= content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded authorization: aws4-hmac-sha256 credential=asia(truncated)/20160630/us-west-1/cloudformation/aws4_request, signedheaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token, signature=fbad7aeef75186cb18bbd44810c4d0379d7d1cf1b8a80be14ea1e3192d2ec531  action=describestackresource&stackname=cftest&version=2010-05-15&logicalresourceid=launchconfig 

the instance profile temporary credentials fetched described in iam roles ec2.

(note: collect these requests, ran nc -l 80 & , ran cfn-get-metadata --url http://localhost , aws --endpoint-url http://localhost.)

this cfnsigner functionality added client between aws-cfn-bootstrap-1.1 (2012-03) , aws-cfn-bootstrap-1.3.6 (2012-09). prior 2012, did need use role cloudformation:describestackresource permission, described in 2011 document boostrapping applications aws cloudformation. note cfn-* scripts use cfnsigner; if want use aws cloudformation, need make sure roles allow it.


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