excel - Using a countif to count cells that can equal two different criteria -

i looking use countif or countifs add set of 7 cells each cell trigger 2 different criteria.

the cells contain numbers , need counter if see if cell greater 0 or lower other static cell.

most tutorials , examples can find either describe , statements or end getting cell counted twice triggers both criteria if number between 2 comparison factors.

here pseudo code of looking for.

countif(balance, greater 0 or greater last months payment) count cell once

please ask questions , pre-thanks responses , time taken read question.


don't worry answered own question.

all hail rubber duck method.

--------------second edit 07/04/15----------------

thank-you responses. had solved issue 30 secs after posting question , did post edit "revised" user called mike? , removed.

i realized ask if balance less since impossible balance go less 0 matter of checking lower last months payment.

i busy trying build in checks balance wasn't below 0 remember other factors in system prevented it.

all needed write problem down answer trigger in head.


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