Javascript oop instances -

i developing javascript oop , observer pattern. in first method model g put inside mesh , mesh inside scene. can find our g model in scene.children. in second method in intersected[i].object can find our model g. problem if modify property of intersected[i].object not reflected model g.

g = new geometrymodel(); tjsv = new threejsview(document.getelementbyid('maincanvas'), g);   geometrymodel.prototype.populatescene = function(scene) { var i; (i = 0; < this.geometries.length; i++) {  var g = this.geometries[i];//<-----  g model  var material = new three.meshbasicmaterial( { color: g.color, transparent: g.transparent, opacity: g.opacity });   var mesh = new three.mesh(g, material);  this.addlabels(g, mesh);  scene.add(mesh);   if (g.linewidth > 0) {       var egh = new three.edgeshelper( mesh, g.linecolor );       egh.material.linewidth = g.linewidth;       scene.add( egh );    }   } }      threejsview.prototype.selectbyraycaster = function(x, y){ var i; var intersected; var mouse = {x: (x / this.width) * 2 - 1, y: 1 - (y / this.height) * 2}; var raycaster = new three.raycaster(); raycaster.setfromcamera(mouse,; intersected = raycaster.intersectobjects(this.scene.children); console.log();  ( var = 0; < intersected.length; i++ ) {        if (intersected[i].object instanceof three.mesh){            intersected[i].object.selected = true;// modify model            changed = true;           console.log( intersected[i].object);       } }    console.log(this.model);//my model here there no modify!    if (changed)    this.model.notifylisteners();    } 

i think g referring geometry while intersected[i].object referring object3d - different objects.

you need write this: intersected[i].object.geometry.selected = true;


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