jsf - pe:triStateCheckbox doesn't work with p:ajax -

i'm using pf 5.1 + pf extensions 3.0.0 + omnifaces 1.8.1 on

trying make following example here <pe:tristatecheckbox/> listener not called when change state of component, neither error given.

this code of jsf page:

<pe:tristatecheckbox style="vertical-align:middle;" value="#{bean.notification}">     <p:ajax listener="#{bean.togglenotification}"/> </pe:tristatecheckbox> 

and bean:

private int notification;  public void togglenotification() {     system.out.println("toggle"); }  //getters , setters 

what may doing wrong? thank you.

ok, code in showcase not same code in real world. went github need specify event name:

<pe:tristatecheckbox id="ajaxtristate" value="#{tristatecheckboxcontroller.value2}">        <p:ajax event="change"                update="growl"                listener="#{tristatecheckboxcontroller.addmessage}"/> </pe:tristatecheckbox> 


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