jsf - Validation password doesn't work in p:dialog -

i'm using primefaces 4.0 , i'm trying use dialog change password. used password component job n't work in dialog works fine when i'm not using dialog.

here code

<h:form>     <p:dialog widgetvar="changepw" resizable="true" appendto="@(body)"               modal="true" closable="false" id="changepw">          <p:panel header="change password">              <p:messages id="messages" showdetail="true" showsummary="false"                         autoupdate="true" />             <h:panelgrid columns="2" id="matchgrid">                 <h:outputlabel for="pwdnew" value="new: *" />                 <p:password id="pwdnew" value="#{passwordbean.newpw}" feedback="true"                             match="pwdconf" required="true"                             validatormessage="pw n't matches"                             requiredmessage="value required">                 </p:password>                  <p:messages showdetail="true" showsummary="false" autoupdate="true"                             for="pwdnew" />                  <h:outputlabel for="pwdconf" value="confirm password: *" />                 <p:password id="pwdconf" value="#{passwordbean.newpwconfirmation}"                             feedback="true" required="true"                             validatormessage="invalid password"                             requiredmessage="value required">                     <f:validateregex pattern="[a-za-z0-9]{8,60}" />                 </p:password>             </h:panelgrid>         </p:panel>          <p:separator></p:separator>         <p:commandbutton value="save" update="matchgrid"                          process="@this" ajax="true"                          actionlistener="#{passwordbean.changepw}"                          styleclass="ui-confirmdialog-yes"                           oncomplete="changepw.hide();"                          icon="ui-icon-check" />          <p:commandbutton value="cancel" process="@this"                          onclick="changepw.hide();" styleclass="ui-confirmdialog-no"                          icon="ui-icon-close" />     </p:dialog>      ... 

thank suggestion !

if use 'appendto="@(body)"', need form in dialog can read in primefaces documentation. make sure in original xhtml not nested!

in addition, process="@this" on buttons prevent other inputs submitted (this won't work outside dialog, did not have there). remove well


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