android - Play Service 6.5.+ granular dependencies not working correctly -

update: per request, entire dependency declaration build.gradle, list of jars, , dependencies of included library projects listed @ bottom of quesion.

i'm working on project uses location, gcm, ads , identity components of google play services (version 7.0.0).

i've defined them such in build.gradle of app module:

compile '' compile '' compile '' compile ' 

note: don't know if it's relevant (i don't expect be), project includes 2 additional library modules, 1 of declares subset of above dependencies:

compile '' compile '' compile '' 

still, after trying build app, dexing fails due overstepping of 64k method count limit. bit suspicious of this, since before fine folk @ google introduced granular dependency management, used another, more crude approach, manually stripping away packages play services jar in gradle build task. worked fine, , 64k method limit not overstepped.

so now, begrudgingly introduced multi-dex project, able build .apk, , take @ method count package, using dex-method-counts command line tool, brought attention in a post jake wharton concerning unwieldiness of play services monolith.

these results:

        google: 18687             ads: 127                 mediation: 96                     admob: 23                     customevent: 41             android: 11873                 gms: 11873                     actions: 4                     ads: 387                         doubleclick: 84                         identifier: 22                         mediation: 75                             admob: 2                             customevent: 48                         purchase: 16                         search: 81                     analytics: 656                         ecommerce: 34                     auth: 78                     common: 1611                         api: 409                         data: 141                         images: 100                         internal: 580                             safeparcel: 76                     dynamic: 213                     gcm: 35                     identity: 86                         intents: 75                             model: 41                     internal: 4914                     location: 516                         places: 232                             ui: 7                     maps: 2395                         internal: 822                         model: 1020                             internal: 505                     security: 12                     tagmanager: 955             common: 5798                 annotations: 3                 base: 558                     internal: 11                 collect: 4195                 io: 299                 net: 72                 primitives: 383                 util: 288                     concurrent: 288             gson: 889                 annotations: 5                 internal: 485                     bind: 284                 reflect: 18                 stream: 102 

tl;dr the play services listed having on 18k methods, , seem include components never defined dependencies in build.gradle (e.g. maps).

so then, dexed components use, 1 one, straight android-sdk-linux/extras/google/m2repository/com/google/android/gms/play-services-<component_name>, using approach jake wharton's article referenced above.

the results follows:

base:  read in 3592 method ids. <root>: 3592     : 6     android: 420         accounts: 5         app: 62         content: 71             pm: 12             res: 9         database: 21         graphics: 42             drawable: 21         net: 11         os: 102         support: 56             v4: 56                 app: 45                 content: 4                 util: 7         text: 1         util: 22         view: 4         widget: 23     com: 2831         google: 2831             android: 2831                 gms: 2831                     actions: 4                     auth: 78                     common: 1611                         api: 409                         data: 141                         images: 100                         internal: 580                             safeparcel: 76                     dynamic: 213                     internal: 913                     security: 12     java: 324         io: 25         lang: 143             ref: 2             reflect: 13         math: 2         nio: 17         util: 137             concurrent: 26                 atomic: 4                 locks: 7             regex: 6     org: 11         json: 11 overall method count: 3592  ---  location:  read in 1554 method ids. <root>: 1554     android: 65         app: 1         content: 13         location: 3         net: 1         os: 41         text: 1         util: 5     com: 1417         google: 1417             android: 1417                 gms: 1417                     common: 75                         api: 13                         data: 8                         internal: 53                             safeparcel: 36                     internal: 833                     location: 505                         places: 232                             ui: 7                     maps: 4                         model: 4     java: 72         lang: 31         util: 41             concurrent: 1 overall method count: 1554  ---  gcm:  read in 72 method ids. <root>: 72     android: 27         app: 2         content: 16             pm: 1         os: 8         util: 1     com: 24         google: 24             android: 24                 gms: 24                     gcm: 24     java: 21         io: 1         lang: 12         util: 8             concurrent: 5                 atomic: 2 overall method count: 72  ---  ads:  read in 3878 method ids. <root>: 3878     android: 471         app: 50         content: 75             pm: 5             res: 7         database: 13             sqlite: 7         graphics: 12             drawable: 1         location: 4         media: 5         net: 25         os: 67         provider: 1         telephony: 3         text: 2         util: 16         view: 67         webkit: 64         widget: 67     com: 3059         google: 3059             ads: 127                 mediation: 96                     admob: 23                     customevent: 41             android: 2932                 gms: 2932                     ads: 353                         doubleclick: 84                         mediation: 75                             admob: 2                             customevent: 48                         purchase: 16                         search: 81                     analytics: 2                     common: 39                         internal: 37                             safeparcel: 27                     dynamic: 5                     internal: 2533     java: 318         io: 16         lang: 126             ref: 2             reflect: 3         math: 7         net: 23         security: 11             spec: 1         text: 2         util: 133             concurrent: 28                 atomic: 7     org: 30         json: 30 overall method count: 3878  ---  identity  read in 179 method ids. <root>: 179     android: 34         accounts: 1         app: 2         content: 5         os: 23         text: 1         util: 2     com: 135         google: 135             android: 135                 gms: 135                     common: 28                         api: 4                         internal: 21                             safeparcel: 15                     identity: 75                         intents: 75                             model: 41                     internal: 32     java: 10         lang: 6         util: 4 overall method count: 179  total: 9275 

tl;dr the total method counts components use in fact 9275, less half of ends in .apk produced gradle build beginning of question!

trying build .apk without multi-dex support fails, again overstepping 64k method limit.

i have no idea what's going on here, , appreciate help. multi-dex nice , all, 8k methods quite large buffer project alone, , if granular dependencies worked expected, wouldn't have introduce multi-dex long time come.

also, please don't suggest proguard solution. it's band-aid @ best, , not necessary debug builds if dependencies handled correctly.

all dependencies

from app itself:

dependencies {     compile ''     compile project(':external_libs:gujemssdk-android:gujemssdk-android-library')     compile project(':external_libs:facebook-android-sdk:facebook')     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''     compile 'com.viewpagerindicator:library:2.4.1@aar'     compile ''     compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])     compile 'com.j256.ormlite:ormlite-core:4.48'     compile 'com.j256.ormlite:ormlite-android:4.48'     compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.5.2'     androidtestcompile '' } 

here's list of jars it's worth:

adjust-android-4.0.2.jar amazon-in-app-purchasing-1.0.3.jar android-support-v7-recyclerview.jar distimosdk.jar eventbus-2.2.1.jar flurryanalytics_3.3.2.jar httpmime-4.1.2.jar mobileapptracker-3.0.jar plasma-1.95.0.jar skmaps.jar socialauth-4.3.jar socialauth-android-3.0.jar 

and here dependencies build.gradle scripts of 2 included library projects:

compile files('libs/videoadsdk.jar') compile files('libs/openudidandroid.jar') compile '' compile '' compile '' 


dependencies {     compile '' } 

where second 1 facebook, , has bolts.jar in libs directory.

hope helps!


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