arrays - PHP to store all variables from loop to use them later -

i trying use wsdl webservice work each parameters. working absolutely fine; however, once script executed, have "log" emailed me.

all works fine when use print, or echo inside loop (this display values of different variables loop). however, outside of loop, display 1 variable.

is there way store variables array inside of loop can used later on, outside of loop, example emailing this?

this have tried:

<?php  // api request , response  $requestparams = array(   'request' => 'hello' );  $client = new soapclient(''); $response = $client->command($requestparams);  //load response xml $xml  = simplexml_load_string($response); $rows = $xml->children('rs', true)->data->children('z', true)->row;  foreach ($rows $row) { $attributes = $row->attributes();  /* xml document contains 2 columns, first attribute to,     second attribute ref. extract required data  */  $to = (string) $attributes->to;   $ref= (string) $attributes->ref;  // here few more lines in code other work each variable   // works absolutely fine until line  /* liket store variables can use them email     them log in 1 email */  $tolog .= "<br>$to</br>"; $reflog .="<br>$ref</br>"; }  $to      = ""; $subject = "script executed";  $headers  = 'mime-version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";  $message = $tolog . $reflog  mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);  ?> 

i think u need define both variable before starting loop,  $tolog = "";  $reflog = "";    if can put whatever in variable in side loop after loop, not need take array. 

do not need take array.


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