c# - How to format asp.net web services (ASMX) to look like the mentioned example? -

i'm trying format web service result (json) mentioned example. current format fullcalendar not able display events.

if @ output see date format different example though tried not use (tounixtimespan) , have double quotes on every item such as, title,start,end , id.

how can rid of double quotes , format date , time?

i appreciate efforts in reaching solution problem.


 events: [           {             title: 'all day event',             start: '2014-11-01'           },           {             title: 'long event',             start: '2014-11-07',             end: '2014-11-10'           },           {             id: 999,             title: 'repeating event',             start: '2014-11-09t16:00:00'           },           {             id: 999,             title: 'repeating event',             start: '2014-11-16t16:00:00'           },           {             title: 'conference',             start: '2014-11-11',             end: '2014-11-13'           },           {             title: 'meeting',             start: '2014-11-12t10:30:00',             end: '2014-11-12t12:30:00'           },           {             title: 'lunch',             start: '2014-11-12t12:00:00'           },           {             title: 'meeting',             start: '2014-11-12t14:30:00'           },           {             title: 'happy hour',             start: '2014-11-12t17:30:00'           },           {             title: 'dinner',             start: '2014-11-12t20:00:00'           },           {             title: 'birthday party',             start: '2014-11-13t07:00:00'           },           {             title: 'click google',             url: 'http://google.com/',             start: '2014-11-28'           }         ] 

my output looks this

[     {         "id": 10,         "start": 1427094900,         "end": 1427185800,         "title": "new"     },     {         "id": 11,         "start": 1426978800,         "end": 1427065200,         "title": "hi"     },     {         "id": 12,         "start": 1427094000,         "end": 1427181300,         "title": "hi2"     },     {         "id": 13,         "start": 1427094900,         "end": 1427100300,         "title": "test"     },     {         "id": 14,         "start": 1427094000,         "end": 1427184900,         "title": "al"     },     {         "id": 15,         "start": 1427698800,         "end": 1427710500,         "title": "caltest"     } ] 

my class file

public class calendardto      private m_id int32     public property id() int32                     return m_id         end         set(byval value int32)             m_id = value         end set     end property      private m_start int64     public property start() int64                     return m_start         end         set(byval value int64)             m_start = value         end set     end property      private m_end int64     public property [end]() int64                     return m_end         end         set(byval value int64)             m_end = value         end set     end property       private m_title string     public property title() string                     return m_title         end         set(byval value string)             m_title = value         end set     end property       'private m_allday string     'public property allday() string     '        '        return m_allday     '    end     '    set(byval value string)     '        m_allday = value     '    end set     'end property end class 

my web service

imports system.web.services imports system.web.services.protocols imports system.componentmodel imports system.collections.generic imports system.data.sqlclient imports system.web.script.serialization   <system.web.script.services.scriptservice()> _ <system.web.services.webservice(namespace:="http://someurl/")> _ <system.web.services.webservicebinding(conformsto:=wsiprofiles.basicprofile1_1)> _ <toolboxitem(false)> _ public class calendar     inherits system.web.services.webservice      <webmethod()> _     public function eventlist() string           dim events new list(of calendardto)          dim comm1 sqlcommand         dim conn1 sqlconnection         dim reader1 sqldatareader         dim connectionstring1 string = configurationmanager.connectionstrings("caltest").connectionstring         conn1 = new sqlconnection(connectionstring1)         comm1 = new sqlcommand("select [id],[title] ,[description],[start] ,[end] ,[allday] [caltest].[dbo].[event]", conn1)         conn1.open()          reader1 = comm1.executereader()         while reader1.read()               dim value calendardto = new calendardto()              value.id = reader1("id").tostring()             value.title = reader1("title").tostring()             value.start = tounixtimespan(reader1("start").tostring())             value.end = tounixtimespan(reader1("end").tostring())              events.add(value)          end while          reader1.close()         conn1.close()          dim js new system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer         return js.serialize(events)     end function       private function tounixtimespan(byval d datetime) int64         dim time new timespan()         time = d.touniversaltime().subtract(new datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))          return ctype(math.truncate(time.totalseconds), int64)     end function      private function fromunixtimespan(byval s string) datetime         dim time datetime = new datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)         return time.addseconds(s)     end function  end class 

i decided share final codes of you.

once again special slicedtoad , mikesmithdev

my class file

public class calendardto     private m_id string     public property id() string                     return m_id         end         set(byval value string)             m_id = value         end set     end property      private m_title string     public property title() string                     return m_title         end         set(byval value string)             m_title = value         end set     end property      private m_start string     public property start() string                     return m_start         end         set(byval value string)             m_start = value         end set     end property      private m_end string     public property [end]() string                     return m_end         end         set(byval value string)             m_end = value         end set     end property      private m_allday string     public property allday() string                     return m_allday         end         set(byval value string)             m_allday = value         end set     end property end class 

my web method (asmx)

imports system.web.services imports system.web.services.protocols imports system.componentmodel imports system.collections.generic imports system.data.sqlclient imports system.web.script.serialization imports system.servicemodel.web   ' allow web service called script, using asp.net ajax, uncomment following line. <system.web.script.services.scriptservice()> _ <system.web.services.webservice(namespace:="http://someurl/")> _ <system.web.services.webservicebinding(conformsto:=wsiprofiles.basicprofile1_1)> _ <toolboxitem(false)> _ public class calendar     inherits system.web.services.webservice      <webmethod()> _     public sub eventlist()         'public function eventlist(byval startdate string, byval enddate string) string         ' list hold events         me.context.response.contenttype = "application/json; charset=utf-8"          dim events new list(of calendardto)          dim comm1 sqlcommand         dim conn1 sqlconnection         dim reader1 sqldatareader         dim connectionstring1 string = configurationmanager.connectionstrings("caltest").connectionstring         conn1 = new sqlconnection(connectionstring1)         comm1 = new sqlcommand("select [id],[title] ,[description],[startdate_event] ,[enddate_event] ,[allday] [caltest].[dbo].[event]", conn1)         conn1.open()           reader1 = comm1.executereader()         while reader1.read()              dim value calendardto = new calendardto()              dim newstartdate datetime = reader1("startdate_event").tostring()             dim newenddate datetime = reader1("enddate_event").tostring()              value.id = reader1("id").tostring()             value.title = reader1("title").tostring()             value.start = newstartdate.tostring("s")             value.end = newenddate.tostring("s")             value.allday = reader1("allday").tostring()              events.add(value)         end while          reader1.close()         conn1.close()           dim jss new system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer()         dim strjson string = jss.serialize(events)         context.response.write(jss.serialize(events))      end sub end class 

json output

[     {         "id": "10",         "title": "new",         "start": "2015-03-23t08:15:00",         "end": "2015-03-24t09:30:00",         "allday": ""     },     {         "id": "11",         "title": "hi",         "start": "2015-03-22t00:00:00",         "end": "2015-03-23t00:00:00",         "allday": "true"     },     {         "id": "12",         "title": "hi2",         "start": "2015-03-23t08:00:00",         "end": "2015-03-24t08:15:00",         "allday": "false"     },     {         "id": "13",         "title": "test",         "start": "2015-03-23t08:15:00",         "end": "2015-03-23t09:45:00",         "allday": "false"     },     {         "id": "14",         "title": "kevin",         "start": "2015-03-23t08:00:00",         "end": "2015-03-24t09:15:00",         "allday": "false"     },     {         "id": "15",         "title": "home test",         "start": "2015-03-24t08:15:00",         "end": "2015-03-25t10:15:00",         "allday": "false"     } ] 


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