javascript - Angular, bootstrap-ui with requirejs issues -

i trying use bootstrap-ui on angualr project requirejs.

i think have set correctly seems having issues - here setup -

  require.config({ paths: {     'angular': '//thirdparty/angular/1.3.4/angular.min',     'underscore': '//thirdparty/underscore/1.6.0/underscore.min',     'bootstrap-ui' : '',     'bootstrap-ui-tpls' : '', }, shim: {     'angular': {         exports: 'angular'     },     'underscore': {         exports: '_'     },     'bootstrap-ui-tpls' : {         deps: ['angular'],         exports: 'bootstrap-ui-tpls'     },     'bootstrap-ui': {         deps: ['angular','bootstrap-ui-tpls']     } } }); 
  • i assuming need add tpls - may part of issue?

then define in module i'm using in :

define('file.tabs/directive', [ 'bootstrap-ui' ], function(bootstrapui) { var metadata = {     modulename: 'filetabsdirective',     componentname: 'filetabs' }; angular.module(metadata.modulename, [     'ui.bootstrap' ]).directive(metadata.componentname, 

and tried using tabset bit in module loading - , getting :

  load resource: server responded status of 502 (bad gateway)    http://localhost:9000/template/tabs/tabset.html 

so it's looking template/tabs/tabset.html - not there. use help, bit confusing. thanks!

you don't need load both libraries, use version templates. difference explained here.


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