c# - Performance with SQL Server cursor in following application scenario -

i've wondered how can modify application because have performance problem. have following application scenario. i've used c# console application sql server.

application scenario:

  1. select 15 000 unique userid (int)

  2. foreach list of users , list of documents (documentid) every userid. (perhaps 50 documents per 1 user.)

  3. insert database table called permissions - userid, documentsid - perhaps - 15 000 * 50 = 750 000 rows

my scenario:

  1. i have create 2 stored procedures in sql server, first select userid's , second documents according userid , inserting permissions table.

stored procedure: dbo.createdocumentpermissions

declare @userid bigint  begin try     declare permissionscursor cursor          select userid dbo.[user]      open permissionscursor      fetch next permissionscursor @userid      while @@fetch_status = 0     begin             begin try                 exec dbo.savedocumentspermissions @userid = @userid             end try             begin catch                 print error_message()             end catch              fetch next permissionscursor @userid     end end try begin catch end catch  begin try                  close permissionscursor     deallocate permissionscursor                                   end try begin catch end catch 

stored procedure: dbo.savedocumentspermissions @userid = @userid

  declare @finaluserset table         (           documentid int         )       declare @userparentdepts table         (           parentpath hierarchyid ,           path hierarchyid ,           organisationcode nvarchar(10) ,           entityid bigint         );         parentotv_cte ( parentpath, path, name, itemid, organisationcode )               ( select   otv.parentpath ,                             otv.path ,                             otv.text ,                             otv.itemid ,                             otv.organisationcode                        dbo.organisationtreeview otv                       otv.itemid = @userid                    union                    select   otv.parentpath ,                             otv.path ,                             otv.text ,                             otv.itemid ,                             otv.organisationcode                        dbo.organisationtreeview otv                             inner join parentotv_cte potv on potv.parentpath = otv.path                  )          insert  @userparentdepts                 ( parentpath ,                   path ,                   organisationcode ,                   entityid                 )                 select  otv.parentpath ,                         otv.path ,                         otv.organisationcode ,                         otv.itemid                    parentotv_cte otv                   otv.parentpath not null      insert  @finaluserset             select  d.documentid                @userparentdepts dpts                     inner join dbo.documentaudience da on pa.organisationcode = dpts.organisationcode                                                         , da.orgentityid = dpts.entityid                                                         , da.active = 1                     inner join [dbo].[documents] d on da.documentid = d.documentid       delete  dbo.documentpermissions       userid = @userid       insert  dbo.documentpermissions             ( userid,               documentid             )     select @userid, documentid      @finaluserset 

table structure - documentpermissions

create table [dbo].[documentpermissions] (     [documentpermissionid] [bigint] identity(1,1) not null,     [userid] [int] not null,     [documentid] [int] not null,      constraint [pk_documentpermissions]      primary key clustered ([documentpermissionid] asc)          (pad_index = off, statistics_norecompute = off,                 ignore_dup_key = off, allow_row_locks = on,                 allow_page_locks = on) on [primary] ) on [primary] 

i have nonclustered index userid, documentid.

how can improve application scenario better performance?


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