Call MYSQL stored procedure through c# -

i trying call mysql stored procedure through c# keeps giving me error saying

"you have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near ''55\'', 'useremail','\''' @ line 1 "

sp takes 3 input parameters user_id, preferences_key , preferences_value. have checked sp executing through mysql works want excute through c#. below code.

mysqlcontext = new mysql_otrsentities();  var userid=mysqlcontext.users.where(x=>x.login==agent.login).select(x=>;  mysqlparameter param1 = new mysqlparameter("@user_id",; param1.mysqldbtype = mysqldbtype.int32; mysqlparameter param2 = new mysqlparameter("@preferences_key", "useremail"); param2.mysqldbtype = mysqldbtype.varchar; mysqlparameter param3 = new mysqlparameter("@preferences_value", agent.login); param3.mysqldbtype = mysqldbtype.longblob;  mysqlcontext.database.executesqlcommand("call insertuserpreferences @user_id, @preferences_key,@preferences_value",                                   param1, param2,param3); 


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