Get result set in plsql -

am wondering if there rewriting suggestions functions such generating recurrence dates between 2 dates - generate_recurrences() link recurrency recurrency events

in plsql? returns setof date, in plsql can't figure out how resultset dates , looping return next next_date, next returns next date on list.

i tried rewrite in plsql return of 1 date, because can't find out how return resultset in plsql, i've tried:

create or replace function generate_recurrence( rec in varchar2,                                 start_date in timestamp,                                 end_date in timestamp ) return  timestamp     next_date timestamp := start_date;     duration  interval  day second;     day       interval  day second; begin  if recurs = 'none'     return next_date;  elsif recurs = 'daily'     duration :=  interval '1' day ;     while next_date <= end_date loop      return next_date + duration; end if; end; 

i wrote following pipelined function while ago. it's not exactly you're asking for, gives resultset that's range of dates, should able match needs.

it requires create type object hold return value , used existing object instead of creating custom one. should modify use object big enough (and use date type instead of string). functionality you're asking for.


create or replace function date_range_stream(start_date_in in date,                                              end_date_in   in date) return rpt_results_10_obj_type_type     deterministic     pipelined     /*          parameters:     start_date_in - first date return (truncated)                         end_date_in   - last date return, inclusive          results:        date string formatted mm/dd/yyyy          author:         stew stryker          usage:          select to_date(text01, 'mm/dd/yyyy') a_date                           table(aeo.aeo_misc_tools.date_range_stream('01-mar-2009', sysdate))                         returns rows starting date current          requires definition of following object:              create or replace type rpt_results_10col_obj object             (   seq_num number,                 place varchar2(20),                 rep_info varchar2(20),                 text01 varchar2(512),                 text02 varchar2(512),                 text03 varchar2(512),                 text04 varchar2(512),                 text05 varchar2(512),                 text06 varchar2(512),                 text07 varchar2(512),                 text08 varchar2(512),                 text09 varchar2(512),                 text10 varchar2(512));       */     cur_date date := trunc(start_date_in);     date_row rpt_results_10col_obj := aeo.rpt_results_10col_obj(null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null,                                                                 null); begin     while cur_date <= trunc(end_date_in)     loop         date_row.text01 := to_char(cur_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy');         pipe row(date_row);         cur_date := cur_date + 1;     end loop;      return;  exception     when no_data_found         return;     when others         dbms_output.put_line('exception in aeo.aeo_misc_tools.date_range_stream - ' || sqlcode || ': ' ||                              sqlerrm);         raise;         return; end date_range_stream; 


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