How to list files and folders together in liferay? -

i trying list files , folders under root folder of liferay site.

querydefinition querydefinition = new querydefinition(workflowconstants.status_any, queryutil.all_pos, queryutil.all_pos, null); list<object> list = dlfolderlocalserviceutil.getfoldersandfileentriesandfileshortcuts(groupid, folderid, null, true, querydefinition); 

is right way? how differentiate files , folders?

you can , differentiate files, folders , shortcuts following:

list <object> foldersandfileentriesandfileshortcuts =      dlappserviceutil.getfoldersandfileentriesandfileshortcuts(         folder.getgroupid(), folderid, workflowconstants.status_any,          true, queryutil.all_pos, queryutil.all_pos);  (object folderandfileentryandfileshortcut: foldersandfileentriesandfileshortcuts) {         if (folderandfileentryandfileshortcut instanceof fileentry) {         fileentry fileentry = (fileentry) folderandfileentryandfileshortcut;     } else if (folderandfileentryandfileshortcut instanceof folder) {         folder subfolder = (folder) folderandfileentryandfileshortcut;     } else if (folderandfileentryandfileshortcut instanceof dlfileshortcut) {         dlfileshortcut dlfileshorcut = (dlfileshortcut) folderandfileentryandfileshortcut;     } } 


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