python - PyQt Node interface - Parrent to ItemIsMovable object -

so building node based interface using pyqt project working on , having issues getting objects belong base not follow in space. when user drags base node, child objects (inputs , output boxes) follow it. have drag-able node works child objects not following properly. ideas?

enter image description here

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  """ base py file gui """  import sys pyqt4 import qtgui, qtcore array import *   """ base class node. contains initialization, drawing, , containing inputs , outputs """  class node():      width = 100     height = 100     color = 1     x = 90     y = 60     inputs=[]     outputs=[]       def __init__(self, nwidth, nheight):         self.width = nwidth         self.height = nheight         self.ininodedata()      """     inputs , outputs created     """     def ininodedata(self):         j in range(5):             = self             x = input(this,90, 0+(j*10))             self.inputs.append(x)        """draw node input , output objects"""     def draw(self, drawobj):         item = drawobj.addrect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)         item.setflag(qtgui.qgraphicsitem.itemismovable)         curinput in self.inputs:             curinput.draw(drawobj)          print("(", self.x, ",", self.y, ")")    """ nodes evaluate last node first node, therefore inputs evaluted """ class input():     currentconnectednode = none     currentconnectedoutput = none     parentnode = none     width = 10     height = 10     x = 1     y = 1     color = 1      def __init__(self, pnode, posx, posy):          self.parentnode = pnode         self.x = posx         self.y = posy         self.color = 1       def draw(self, drawobj):         item = drawobj.addrect(self.x+self.parentnode.x, self.y+self.parentnode.y, self.width, self.height)   class output():     parentnode = none   class mainwindow(qtgui.qgraphicsview):      nodes = []      def __init__(self):         super(mainwindow, self).__init__()          self.initui()      def initui(self):          j in range(1):             x = node(100,100)             self.nodes.append(x)          self.setscene(qtgui.qgraphicsscene())             self.setwindowtitle('ris rib generator')         self.setgeometry(800, 600, 800, 850)          self.initnodes()       def initnodes(self):          curnode in self.nodes:             curnode.draw(self.scene())    def main():      app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv)     mainwindow = mainwindow()     app.exec_()     if __name__ == '__main__':     main()   

ok after week figured out. need few things.

ensure flags correct:

    self.setflag(qtgui.qgraphicsitem.itemismovable, true)     self.setflag(qtgui.qgraphicsitem.itemisselectable, true) 

once set can use built in event handelers these on ride original ones. inside user defined one, need call event handeler base class. example:

def mousepressevent(self, e):     print("square got mouse press event")     print("event came accepted: %s"%(e.isaccepted(),))     qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem.mousepressevent(self, e) 

here working example of progress.

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-  """ base py file gui  todo list ----------------- - pop menu adding new nodes - node connectivity - create data structure storing   """  import sys pyqt4 import qtgui, qtcore array import *  """ base class node. contains inilization, drawing, , containing inputs , outputs """ class node(qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem):      width = 100     height = 100     color = 1     x = 90     y = 60     inputs=[]     outputs=[]     viewobj = none      def __init__(self, n_x, n_y, n_width,n_height):         qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem.__init__(self, n_x, n_y, n_width, n_height)         self.width = n_width         self.height = n_height         self.x = n_x         self.y = n_y         self.setflag(qtgui.qgraphicsitem.itemismovable, true)         self.setflag(qtgui.qgraphicsitem.itemisselectable, true)         self.ininodedata()      def mousepressevent(self, e):         print("square got mouse press event")         print("event came accepted: %s"%(e.isaccepted(),))         qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem.mousepressevent(self, e)      def mousereleaseevent(self, e):         print("square got mouse release event")         print("event came accepted: %s"%(e.isaccepted(),))         qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem.mousereleaseevent(self, e)      """     inputs , outputs created based on node type     """      def ininodedata(self):         print('making node data')         j in range(5):             = self             x = input(this,0, 0+(j*10))             self.inputs.append(x)          k in range(5):             = self             x = output(this,self.x+self.width, self.y+(k*10))             self.outputs.append(x)       def mousemoveevent(self, event):         print('dragging@')         qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem.mousemoveevent(self, event)       def mousepressevent(self, event):          print('moving!')  """ nodes evaluate last node first node, therefore inputs evaluted """ class input(qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem):     currentconnectednode = none     currentconnectedoutput = none     parentnode = none     width = 10     height = 10     x = 1     y = 1     color = 1     drawitem = none      def __init__(self, pnode, posx, posy):         self.parentnode = pnode         self.x = posx         self.y = posy         self.color = 1         qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem.__init__(self, self.x+self.parentnode.x, self.y+self.parentnode.y, self.width, self.height, self.parentnode)    ''' output value node ''' class output(node):     parentnode = none     width = 10     height = 10     x = 1     y = 1      def __init__(self, pnode, posx, posy):         self.parentnode = pnode         self.x = posx         self.y = posy         self.color = 1         qtgui.qgraphicsrectitem.__init__(self, self.x-self.width, self.y, self.width, self.height, self.parentnode)   ''' check click events on scene object ''' class scene(qtgui.qgraphicsscene):       nodes = []      def mousepressevent(self, e):         print("scene got mouse press event")         print("event came accepted: %s"%(e.isaccepted(),))         qtgui.qgraphicsscene.mousepressevent(self, e)      def mousereleaseevent(self, e):         print("scene got mouse release event")         print("event came accepted: %s"%(e.isaccepted(),))         qtgui.qgraphicsscene.mousereleaseevent(self, e)      def dragmoveevent(self, e):         print('scene got drag move event')      def addnode(self):         newnode = self.additem(node(250,250,100,150))         self.nodes.append(newnode)   ''' main window object '''  class mainwindowui(qtgui.qmainwindow):     def __init__(self):         qtgui.qmainwindow.__init__(self)         self.setwindowtitle('ris rib generator')         self.scene = scene(0, 0, 800, 850, self)         self.view = qtgui.qgraphicsview()         self.setcentralwidget(self.view)         self.view.setscene(self.scene)           exitaction = qtgui.qaction(qtgui.qicon('exit24.png'), 'exit', self)         exitaction.setshortcut('ctrl+q')         exitaction.setstatustip('exit application')         exitaction.triggered.connect(self.close)          newnodeaction = qtgui.qaction(qtgui.qicon('exit24.png'), 'new node', self)         newnodeaction.setstatustip('add blank node')         newnodeaction.triggered.connect(self.scene.addnode)           self.statusbar()         menubar = self.menubar()         filemenu = menubar.addmenu('&file')         filemenu.addaction(newnodeaction)         filemenu.addaction(exitaction)   ''' start point '''  if __name__ == '__main__':     app = qtgui.qapplication(sys.argv)     win = mainwindowui()     sys.exit(app.exec_()) 


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