Google Analytics Charts in javascript -

good morning. newbie in javascript, , think want easy, don´t know how.

i'm trying draw google analytics graph display on own dashboard. code works, have several webs registered, , shows me same default unless change manually(the field called property). default web another.

here code (i have changed client id 'xxx'

<html> <head> <title> google analytics charts </title> </head> <body> <p align="center"><b><u>visits<u> </b></p> <!-- step 1: create containing elements. -->  <section id="auth-button" hidden></section> <section id="view-selector"></section> <section id="timeline" class="left clear"></section> <section id="pie" class="right"></section> <section id="table" class="left clear"></section> <section id="gauge" class="right"></section>  <!-- step 1.1: css. --> <style> .left {float:left} .right {float:right} .clear {clear:both} </style>  <!-- step 2: load library. -->  <script> (function(w,d,s,g,js,fjs){ g=w.gapi||(w.gapi={});{q:[],ready:function(cb)     {this.q.push(cb)}}; js=d.createelement(s);fjs=d.getelementsbytagname(s)[0]; js.src=''; fjs.parentnode.insertbefore(js,fjs);js.onload=function() {g.load('analytics')}; }(window,document,'script')); </script>  <script> {  // step 3: authorize user.  var client_id = 'xxx';{ container: 'auth-button', clientid: client_id, });  // step 4: create view selector.  var viewselector = new{ container: 'view-selector' });  // step 5: create timeline chart.  //chart 1 var timeline = new{ reporttype: 'ga', query: { 'metrics': 'ga:users', 'dimensions': 'ga:date', //      'start-date': '30daysago', //      'start-date': '2015-03-01', 'start-date': '7daysago', 'end-date': 'today', }, chart: {   type: 'line',   container: 'timeline',   options: {     //width: '50%', height: '50%',     title: 'visits per day',     curvetype: 'function'   } } });  //chart 2 var pie = new{ query: {   metrics: 'ga:sessions',   dimensions: 'ga:country',   'start-date': '30daysago',   'end-date': 'yesterday',   'max-results': 5,   sort: '-ga:sessions' }, chart: {   container: 'pie',   type: 'pie',   options: {     // width: '50%', height: '50%',     title: 'visits per country',     is3d: true   } } });  //chart 3 var table= new{ reporttype: 'ga', query: { //      'metrics': 'ga:users',   'metrics': 'ga:sessions', //      'dimensions': 'ga:hour',   'dimensions': 'ga:date',   'dimensions': 'ga:campaign', //      'start-date': '30daysago', //      'start-date': '2015-03-01',   'start-date': 'today',   'end-date': 'today', }, chart: {   type: 'table',   container: 'table',   options: {     //width: '50%', height: '50%',     title: 'campaign visits today',     is3d: true   } } });  //chart 4 var gauge= new{ query: {   metrics: 'ga:socialinteractions', //     metrics: 'ga:avgtimeonpage',   dimensions: 'ga:socialinteractionnetwork',   'start-date': 'today',   'end-date': 'today', }, chart: {   container: 'gauge',   type: 'table',   options: {     title: 'exit pages'   } } });   // step 6: hook components work together.'success', function(response) { viewselector.execute(); });  viewselector.on('change', function(ids) { var newids = {   query: {     ids: ids   } } timeline.set(newids).execute(); pie.set(newids).execute(); table.set(newids).execute(); gauge.set(newids).execute(); }); }); </script> </body> </html> 

can me it? in advance

if know ids parameter of view want show default don't need use view selector component, can hardcode value in queries.

for example, using "chart1" code:

// chart 1 var timeline = new{   query: {     'ids': 'ga:xxxxxxx',     'metrics': 'ga:users',     'dimensions': 'ga:date',     'start-date': '7daysago',     'end-date': 'today',   },   chart: {     type: 'line',     container: 'timeline',     options: {       title: 'visits per day',       curvetype: 'function'     }   } }); 

you have replace 'ga:xxxxxxx' ids parameter of view want display.

if don't know ids parameter, can find using google analytics account explorer tool.


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