android - implement onClickListener for Horizontal ScrollView -

i'm populating horizontal scrollview using picasso , problem can't implement onclicklistener because item views of list doesn't have index.


<horizontalscrollview     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="120dp"     android:id="@+id/mygallery">     <linearlayout         android:id="@+id/channelsscrollview"         android:layout_width="wrap_content"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         android:orientation="horizontal"         /> </horizontalscrollview> 

and code:

private void populateimages() {     final list<string> urls = new arraylist<>();      //getting list of urls     (int = 0; < activityloading.datachannelsarraylist.get(0).getchannelarraylist().size(); i++) {         urls.add(getstring(r.string.get_channels_img_host) + activityloading.datachannelsarraylist.get(0).getchannelarraylist().get(i).getid());     }      //add views horizontal scrollview amount of urls     mygallery = (linearlayout) findviewbyid(;     (int = 0; < urls.size(); i++) {         mygallery.addview(insertphoto(urls.get(i), i));     } }  public view insertphoto(string path, int position) {     linearlayout layout = new linearlayout(getapplicationcontext());     layout.setgravity(;     final squaredimageview squaredimageview = new squaredimageview(getapplicationcontext(), position);     squaredimageview.setscaletype(imageview.scaletype.center_crop);     picasso.with(this).load(path).placeholder(r.drawable.loading_small).into(squaredimageview);      //i need receive somehow position of view pressed     squaredimageview.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {              //this crashes here             toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(),, toast.length_short).show();         }     });     layout.addview(squaredimageview);     return layout; } 

how bind index of urls list respective squaredimageview item in horizontal scrollview? or maybe can suggest better approach onclick

option 1: change position parameter final: public view insertphoto(string path, final int position) {

then inside onclicklistener: have access position parameter. toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "position: " + position, toast.length_short).show();

option 2: set tag of squaredimageview: squaredimageview.settag(position);

then in onclicklistener tag calling: int location = (int)v.gettag();


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