jsf 2 - Reusing JSF2 View Scoped Bean on facelets templating -

i have common task choose 1 or more 'localizacaoto' before doing else on page.

currently logic of data retrieval/process/ajax events , on maintained on viewscoped bean called "seletorlocalizacaomb" , i’d use multiple instances of same bean on same page.

firstly used composite component when chose node, stored on last bean on page.

if had 3 instances declared on testeseletormb:

@named @viewscoped public class testeseletormb implements serializable {      @inject     @getter @setter     private seletorlocalizacaomb instanceone;      @inject     @getter @setter     private seletorlocalizacaomb instancetwo;      @inject     @getter @setter     private seletorlocalizacaomb instancethree; } 

no matter component on page used, instancethree hold values.

based on research understood composite component not ideal solution problem.

so changed ui implementation , used facelets create 'template' named seletor.xhtml.

<ui:composition xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"                 xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"                 xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"                 xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"                 xmlns:p="http://primefaces.org/ui"                 xmlns:o="http://omnifaces.org/ui">     <p:dialog header="busca hierarquica"               id="#{id}modaltree"               widgetvar="dlgselecaohierarquica"                showeffect="fade"                hideeffect="fade"                closeonescape="true"               modal="#{bloqueiamodal}"               height="400px"               width="500px">         <h:panelgrid columns="2">             <p:commandbutton id="#{id}btnselecao"                               value="selecionar e voltar"                               action="#{mb['selecionarlocalhierarquico']}"                               update="@(.#{id}-auto-complete)"                               oncomplete="bloqueiaautomulti();"/>             <p:commandbutton value="voltar"                               type="button"                               onclick="pf('dlgselecaohierarquica').hide();" />         </h:panelgrid>         <p:scrollpanel style="width:100%;height:350;" mode="native">             <p:tree id="#{id}tree"                     style="width:100%;height:100%;"                      styleclass="estilo-arvore"                     value="#{mb.arvorehierarquica}"                      var="local"                      selectionmode="multiple"                      dynamic="true"                      animate="true">                 <p:ajax event="select" listener="#{mb['onnodeselect']}" update="@this"/>                       <p:treenode >                         <h:outputtext value="#{local.cdclasselocal}: #{local.cdlocalizacao} #{local.niveis}" />                     </p:treenode>             </p:tree>         </p:scrollpanel>     </p:dialog> </ui:composition> 

test page using <ui:include>

<f:subview id="seletoralpha">     <ui:include src="/template/seletor.xhtml">         <ui:param name="mb" value="#{testeseletormb.seletoralpha}" />         <ui:param name="id" value="alpha" />     </ui:include> </f:subview> <f:subview id="seletorbravo">     <ui:include src="/template/seletor.xhtml">         <ui:param name="mb" value="#{testeseletormb.seletorbravo}" />         <ui:param name="id" value="bravo" />     </ui:include> </f:subview> 

test bean holding multiple instances:

import javax.inject.named; import org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscoped;  @named @viewscoped public class testeseletormb implements serializable {      @inject     @getter @setter     private seletorlocalizacaomb seletoralpha;      @inject     @getter @setter     private seletorlocalizacaomb seletorbravo; } 

cdi bean used on 'seletor.xhtml'

import javax.inject.named; import org.omnifaces.cdi.viewscoped;  @named @viewscoped public class seletorlocalizacaomb implements serializable {      private list<localizacaoto> locaishierarquicosselecionados;     private treenode arvorehierarquica;      //postconstruct, ajax events , things :)  } 

in example, want testeseletormb variables (seletoralpha , seletorbravo) hold different values on lists. possible?

i tried change seletorlocalizacaomb scoped @dependent didn't work neither. here things got confused. reading cdi api, first state says:

beans declared scope @dependent behave differently beans other >built-in scope types. when bean declared have scope @dependent:

no injected instance of bean ever shared between multiple injection >points.

it should't hold same instance, right?!


  • websphere application server
  • apache myfaces 2.0.2
  • primefaces 5.0
  • omnifaces 1.7

i can provide additional data if necessary. didn't paste 'seletorlocalizacaomb' code because has many dependencies , had feeling problem not related how class handles actions.


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