c++ - Sending more than one character from Qt to Arduino -

first of all: sorry i'm not english.

i'm making serial communication between qt (c++) , arduino. first tried send 1 character ('1') arduino turn led on , worked. want send more 1 character. how can send more characters each character variable in arduino code?

this qt code 1 character:

void mainwindow::on_pushbutton_clicked() {      serial.setportname("com17");     serial.setbaudrate(qserialport::baud9600);     serial.setdatabits(qserialport::data8);     serial.setparity(qserialport::noparity);     serial.setstopbits(qserialport::onestop);     serial.setflowcontrol(qserialport::noflowcontrol);     serial.open(qiodevice::readwrite);     serial.write("'0'");  } 

i suppose using qserialport class qt.

as can see documentation (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qserialport-members.html), have 3 functions overloading write(...), super class

write(const char *, qint64) : qint64 write(const char *) : qint64 write(const qbytearray &) : qint64 

what sending "'0'" string composed 3 characters, 2 single quotes , number zero.

if you'd send more 1 character, have pack characters qbytearray.

you'll have call serial.write() in following way

qbytearray ba; ba.append('1') ba.append('2') ba.append('3') etc... serial.write(ba) 

in way send data composed 3 bytes { '1', '2', '3' }


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