objective c - Difference between NSDate and NSDateComponent value for the same date -

i created simple function first , last day of week day in it. looking @ nslog output found different values returned nsdate descriptor , component day same date, why ?

here nslog outputs:

nsdate: 2011-04-03 22:00:00 +0000, day component: 4  nsdate: 2011-04-09 22:00:00 +0000, day component: 10  

as can see, nsdate 3 of april , day component 4 first row, , respectively 9 , 10 second one.

here code:

nsdate *date = [nsdate date]; //today  april 5th 2011 nscalendar *cal =[[nscalendar alloc]initwithcalendaridentifier:nsgregoriancalendar];  [cal setfirstweekday:2]; //my week starts monday  //define beginning of week nsdate *beginningofweek = nil; [cal rangeofunit:nsweekcalendarunit startdate:&beginningofweek interval:nil fordate:date]; nsdatecomponents *begincomponents = [cal components:(nsyearcalendarunit | nsmonthcalendarunit | nsdaycalendarunit | nsweekcalendarunit | nsweekdaycalendarunit) fromdate:beginningofweek];  //define end of week, 6 days offset beginning nsdatecomponents *offset = [[nsdatecomponents alloc]init]; [offset setday:6]; nsdate *endofweek = [cal datebyaddingcomponents:offset todate:beginningofweek options:0]; nsdatecomponents *endcomponents = [cal components:(nsyearcalendarunit | nsmonthcalendarunit | nsdaycalendarunit | nsweekcalendarunit | nsweekdaycalendarunit) fromdate:endofweek];  nslog(@"nsdate: %@, day component: %d",beginningofweek, [begincomponents day]); nslog(@"nsdate: %@, day component: %d",endofweek,       [endcomponents day]); 

your dates being printed timezone of +0000 (utc), while nscalendar instance (and therefore nsdatecomponents) using device's default timezone (which guess utc+2).


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