javascript - Replacing closing HTML tags with HTML tag + \n -

i'm trying replace closing html tags closing tag + line break, found similar posts here on so, none helped me accomplish i'm looking for.

</li> </li>\n

<img property /> <img property />\n

i managed in php following funtion, works well:

 public static function addlbinhtml($htmlcode){       $pattern= array('~(</.*?>)~','(/>)');      $replace= array('${1} hallo \n  ','/>\n  ');       return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $htmlcode); } 

i'm trying same in javascript / jquery , i'm failing on getting variable(in php regex ${1}).

i tried .split .join , .replace, , think .replace right way go.

here got (my last , closest attempt)

function setlinebreaks(taid){     var strcontent = $('#'+taid).val();    var regex = new regexp("</.*?>", "gi");      strcontent.replace(regex, "${1} \n   ")               .replace(/\/>/g,'/> \n    ');     console.log(strcontent);    $('#'+taid).val(strcontent); } 

thanks in advance help

you have capture regular expression brackets, assign replaced string , replace ${1} $1:

var regex = new regexp("(</.*?>)", "gi");  strcontent = strcontent.replace(regex, "$1 \n   ")                        .replace(/\/>/g,'/> \n    '); 

or can put replace methods val function.


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