python - How to cross-domain in cherrypy normal application? -

class helloworld:     @cherrypy.expose     def hello(self):         return "hello world!" 


i cross-domain request: http://ip:port/hello unsuccessfully, , add decorator(which working in restful application) before method hello that:

def crossdomain(func):     def decorate(*args, **kwargs):         cherrypy.response.headers["access-control-allow-origin"] = "*"         cherrypy.response.headers["access-control-allow-methods"] = "get, post, head, put, delete"         allow_headers = ["cache-control", "x-proxy-authorization", "x-requested-with", "content-type"]         cherrypy.response.headers["access-control-allow-headers"] = ",".join(allow_headers)         return func(*args, **kwargs)     return decorate  class helloworld:     @cherrypy.expose     @crossdomain     def hello(self):         return "hello world!"  cherrypy.quickstart(helloworld()) 

the browser throw exception: options 500 (internal server error)

because cherrypy can not find http method "options". how can make cherrypy dispatch options request automatically?


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