Does SQL Server 2012 have a function or other way to convert a varchar column that contains ASCII to plain text? -

i've inherited database table has nvarchar(max) column containing ascii numbers. need convert , replace them plain text. possible using sql function?


034 067 111 110 118 101 114 116 032 077 101 044 032 068 097 114 110 032 105 116 033 033 034


"convert me, darn it!!"

thanks all

test data

declare @table table (ascii_col varchar(1000)) insert @table values  ('034 067 111 110 118 101 114 116 032 077 101 044 032 068 097 114 110 032 105 116 033 033 034') 


;with cte as( select char(split.a.value('.', 'varchar(100)')) char_vals   (select                cast ('<m>' + replace(ascii_col, ' ', '</m><m>') + '</m>' xml) data           @table)        cross apply data.nodes ('/m') split(a)     ) select (select  '' + char_vals          cte          xml path(''),type).value('.','nvarchar(max)') 


"convert me, darn it!!" 


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