playframework - Scala compiler not recognizing implicit session in DBAction -

we told guys @ slick-play-plugin everytime declaring


in our play! endpoints, have our disposition current session, since implicit request contains field named dbsession.

here's example of wrote:

def insert = dbaction { implicit rs =>   detailsform.bindfromrequest.fold(     formwitherrors => {       badrequest(views.html.employee.details(none, formwitherrors))     },     details => {       employees.insertwithdetails(details)       home.flashing("success" -> messages("success.insert",     }   ) 


this not compiling due following error:

application.scala:30: not find implicit value parameter s: slick.driver.mysqldriver.simple.session

being line 30: employees.insertwithdetails(details)

function insertwithdetails defined in tablequery[employee] object following definition:

def insertwithdetails(details: details)(implicit s: session) =   insert(employee(,, db.positions.findidbyname(details.position))) 

i working slick mysql driver.


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