Share Maven run configurations with other developers using Intellij IDEA -

we have following project setup: maven, eclipse, subversion. eclipse launch configurations in separate docs folder next pom.xml. launch configurations run mvn clean install -pdev or mvn tomee:run -pl something-ear

the thing shared run configuration picked ide , shown in external tools run commands. way, every developer checks out project has access run build.

we have similar using intellij idea, haven't found equivalent. have considered far:

share run scripts

my first idea replace launch configurations run scripts. not figure out how have run scripts run inside intellij idea way maven goal executed.

share idea project configuration

the idea project configuration (specifically .idea/runconfigurations) inside checked out directory not solution. have (speaking 1 idea project different idea modules depending on task @ hand: developer might need multiple idea modules (and sub-modules) in same idea project

an idea project consisting of following modules not unusal

projecta/trunk projectb/tags/1.2 projectc/branches/some-change 

my preferred solution remove ide-specific configuration repository , have kind of run definitions either in project folder or folder next pom.xml developer can run command line or ide of choice.

the optimal solution let me define in pom:

<runconfigs>     <default>clean install</default>     <container>tomee:run -pl something-ear</container> </runconfigs> 

this configuration picked ide , provided run or launch configuration developer.

any ideas or suggestions?

thank much!

my current approach hybrid solution:

  • no configuration in separate modules
  • one idea project configuration run configurations managed in vcs

the .idea/runconfigurations directory versioned separately project sources. contains commands working directory set relative project_dir:

<mavenrunnerparameters>     …     <option name="workingdirpath" value="$project_dir$/path/to/submodule" /> </mavenrunnerparameters> 

when setting new project, developer checks out folder , has set of pre-configured launch configurations projects. downsides are

  • all launch configurations managed centrally instead of module
  • the idea project directory has fixed location relative modules. if set project, have change run configurations
  • the setup not state how changes launch configurations shared other developers


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