java - Simple TextToSpeech code -

i want make simple texttospeech code. code here:

texttospeech tts = new texttospeech(this, this); tts.setlanguage(; tts.speak("this alert application", texttospeech.queue_add,null,null); 

but getting error:

error:(100, 28) error: no suitable constructor found texttospeech(mainactivity,mainactivity) constructor texttospeech.texttospeech(context,oninitlistener,string) not applicable (actual , formal argument lists differ in length) constructor texttospeech.texttospeech(context,oninitlistener) not applicable (actual argument mainactivity cannot converted oninitlistener method invocation conversion) 

what missing? need put in code?

if allow of thread sleep , after sleep calling tts.speak(). if so, @ point looking @ code, tts not seem initialized , null crash exception.

this code should prevent exception, if initialization of tts engine takes long, won't loading. also, guessing 5 second (which long time btw) sleep allow initialized?


   public class mainj extends activity implements oninitlistener {     private texttospeech mytts;    // status check code    private int my_data_check_code = 0;     @override    public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {    super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);    setcontentview(r.layout.loadscreen);    intent checkttsintent = new intent();    checkttsintent      .setaction(texttospeech.engine.action_check_tts_data);    startactivityforresult(checkttsintent, my_data_check_code);    thread logotimer = new thread() {     public void run() {         try {             try {                 sleep(5000);                 speakwords("loading");             } catch (interruptedexception e) {                 // todo auto-generated catch block                 e.printstacktrace();             }             //waiting sleep             splash_wait()          }          {             finish();         }       }      };      logotimer.start();    }    // speak user text   private void speakwords(string speech) {       // speak straight away      if(mytts != null)      {     mytts.speak(speech, texttospeech.queue_flush, null);      }     }      // act on result of tts data check     protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {      if (requestcode == my_data_check_code) {        if (resultcode == texttospeech.engine.check_voice_data_pass) {         // user has necessary data - create tts         mytts = new texttospeech(this, this);     } else {         // no data - install         intent installttsintent = new intent();         installttsintent                 .setaction(texttospeech.engine.action_install_tts_data);         startactivity(installttsintent);        }    } }   // setup tts  public void oninit(int initstatus) {   // check successful instantiation  if (initstatus == texttospeech.success) {     if (mytts.islanguageavailable( == texttospeech.lang_available)         mytts.setlanguage(;   } else if (initstatus == texttospeech.error) {     toast.maketext(this, "sorry! text speech failed...",             toast.length_long).show();    }      private void splash_wait() {     new handler().postdelayed(new runnable() {         @override         public void run() {              intent = new intent(splashactivity.this, loginactivity.class);             startactivity(i);             finish();         }     }, splash_time_out); }  } 


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