javascript - AngularJS custom datepicker directive -
i make custom datepicker directive custom template.
but have no idea how start building it...
how include date data directive?
i appreciate guide or give me advice work on more precisely.
it might you! follow below steps
html code sample:
<label>birth date</label> <input type="text" ng-model="birthdate" date-options="dateoptions" custom-datepicker/> <hr/> <pre>birthdate = {{birthdate}}</pre> <script type="text/ng-template" id="custom-datepicker.html"> <div class="enhanced-datepicker"> <div class="proxied-field-wrap"> <input type="text" ui-date-format="yy-mm-dd" ng-model="ngmodel" ui-date="dateoptions"/> </div> <label> <button class="btn" type="button"><i class="icon-calendar"></i></button> <span class="datepicker-date">{{ngmodel | date:'d mmm yyyy'}}</span> </label> </div> </script>
js code sample:
angular .module('app',['']) .directive('customdatepicker',function($compile){ return { replace:true, templateurl:'custom-datepicker.html', scope: { ngmodel: '=', dateoptions: '=' }, link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, $controller){ var $button = $element.find('button'); var $input = $element.find('input'); $button.on('click',function(){ if($':focus')){ $input.trigger('blur'); } else { $input.trigger('focus'); } }); } }; }) .controller('mycontroller',function($scope){ $scope.birthdate = '2013-07-23'; $scope.dateoptions = { mindate: -20, maxdate: "+1m +10d" }; }); /*global angular */ /* jquery ui datepicker plugin wrapper @note if ≤ ie8 make sure have polyfill date.toisostring() @param [ui-date] {object} options pass $.fn.datepicker() merged onto uidateconfig */ angular.module('', []) .constant('uidateconfig', {}) .directive('uidate', ['uidateconfig', '$timeout', function (uidateconfig, $timeout) { 'use strict'; var options; options = {}; angular.extend(options, uidateconfig); return { require:'?ngmodel', link:function (scope, element, attrs, controller) { var getoptions = function () { return angular.extend({}, uidateconfig, scope.$eval(attrs.uidate)); }; var initdatewidget = function () { var showing = false; var opts = getoptions(); // if have controller (i.e. ngmodelcontroller) wire if (controller) { // set view value in $apply block when users selects // (calling directive user's function if provided) var _onselect = opts.onselect || angular.noop; opts.onselect = function (value, picker) { scope.$apply(function() { showing = true; controller.$setviewvalue(element.datepicker("getdate")); _onselect(value, picker); element.blur(); }); }; opts.beforeshow = function() { showing = true; }; opts.onclose = function(value, picker) { showing = false; }; element.on('blur', function() { if ( !showing ) { scope.$apply(function() { element.datepicker("setdate", element.datepicker("getdate")); controller.$setviewvalue(element.datepicker("getdate")); }); } }); // update date picker when model changes controller.$render = function () { var date = controller.$viewvalue; if ( angular.isdefined(date) && date !== null && !angular.isdate(date) ) { throw new error('ng-model value must date object - ' + typeof date + ' - use ui-date-format convert string'); } element.datepicker("setdate", date); }; } // if don't destroy old 1 doesn't update when config changes element.datepicker('destroy'); // create new datepicker widget element.datepicker(opts); if ( controller ) { // force render override whatever in input text box controller.$render(); } }; // watch changes directives options scope.$watch(getoptions, initdatewidget, true); } }; } ]) .constant('uidateformatconfig', '') .directive('uidateformat', ['uidateformatconfig', function(uidateformatconfig) { var directive = { require:'ngmodel', link: function(scope, element, attrs, modelctrl) { var dateformat = attrs.uidateformat || uidateformatconfig; if ( dateformat ) { // use datepicker attribute value dateformat string convert , string modelctrl.$formatters.push(function(value) { if (angular.isstring(value) ) { return jquery.datepicker.parsedate(dateformat, value); } return null; }); modelctrl.$parsers.push(function(value){ if (value) { return jquery.datepicker.formatdate(dateformat, value); } return null; }); } else { // default iso formatting modelctrl.$formatters.push(function(value) { if (angular.isstring(value) ) { return new date(value); } return null; }); modelctrl.$parsers.push(function(value){ if (value) { return value.toisostring(); } return null; }); } } }; return directive; }]);
here working fiddle
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