eclipse - The moment I add glew.h in my code glut related errors start appearing -

i new c/c++ environment setup. right using eclipse ide. below steps have followed after installing mingw , running basic helloworld, c program 1) copied glew32.dll , glut32.dll "c:\mingw\bin" 2) copied gl.h, glew.h, glu.h , glut.h "c:\mingw\include\gl" 3) copied glew32.lib, glut32.lib , opengl32.lib "c:\mingw\lib" 4) in project->properties->c/c++ build->settings->tool settings->mingw c linker->libraries(-l) added "glew32", "glut32","glu32" , "opengl32" 5) copied below code

compiles properly.

the moment uncomment first line, ie glew.h, glut related compile errors (added below) appear, can 1 tell me going wrong during setup?

//#include <gl/glew.h> #include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/glut.h>  void changeviewport(int w, int h) {     glviewport(0, 0, w, h); }  void render() {     glclear(gl_color_buffer_bit | gl_depth_buffer_bit);     glutswapbuffers(); }   int main(int argc, char** argv) {     glutinit(&argc, argv);      glutinitdisplaymode(glut_double | glut_rgba | glut_depth);     glutinitwindowsize(800, 600);     glutcreatewindow("pinnen best");     glutreshapefunc(changeviewport);     glutdisplayfunc(render);     glutmainloop();     return 0; }   description resource    path    location    type undefined reference `__glutcreatemenuwithexit'   opengl      line 549, external location: c:\mingw\include\gl\glut.h c/c++ problem undefined reference `__glutcreatewindowwithexit' opengl      line 503, external location: c:\mingw\include\gl\glut.h c/c++ problem undefined reference `__glutinitwithexit' opengl      line 486, external location: c:\mingw\include\gl\glut.h c/c++ problem undefined reference `glutdisplayfunc'    opengl.c    /opengl/src line 25 c/c++ problem undefined reference `glutinitdisplaymode'    opengl.c    /opengl/src line 21 c/c++ problem 


from glew webpage [delete gl include] :

using glew shared library

in program:

#include <gl/glew.h> #include <gl/glut.h> <gl, glu, , glut functionality available here> 


#include <gl/glew.h> <gl , glu functionality available here> 

remember link project glew32.lib, glu32.lib, , opengl32.lib on windows ,,, , on unix (-lglew -lglu -lgl). important keep in mind glew.h includes neither windows.h nor gl.h. also, glew warn issuing preprocessor error in case have included gl.h, glext.h, or glati.h before glew.h.


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