node.js - Node resize image and upload to AWS -

i'm relatively new node, , want write module takes image s3 bucket, resizes , saves temporary directory on amazon's new lambda service , uploads images bucket.

when run code, none of functions seem called (download, transform , upload). using tmp create temporary directory , graphicsmagick resize image.

what wrong code?

i have defined dependencies , array outside of module, because have depends on these.

// dependencies var aws = require('aws-sdk'); var gm = require('gm').subclass({ imagemagick: true }); var fs = require("fs"); var tmp = require("tmp");  // reference s3 client var s3 = new aws.s3();  var _800px = {     width: 800,     destinationpath: "large" };  var _500px = {     width: 500,     destinationpath: "medium" };  var _200px = {     width: 200,     destinationpath: "small" };  var _45px = {     width: 45,     destinationpath: "thumbnail" };  var _sizesarray = [_800px, _500px, _200px, _45px];  var len = _sizesarray.length;  exports.awshandler = function(event) {     // read options event.     var srcbucket = event.records[0];     var srckey = event.records[0].s3.object.key;     var dstnkey = srckey;      // create temporary directory     var tmpobj = tmp.dirsync();      // function determine paths     function _filepath (directory, i) {         if (!directory) {             return "dst/" + _sizesarray[i].destinationpath + "/" + dstnkey;         } else {             return directory + "/dst/" + _sizesarray[i].destinationpath + "/" + dstnkey;         }     };       // infer image type.     var typematch = srckey.match(/\.([^.]*)$/);     if (!typematch) {         console.error('unable infer image type key ' + srckey);         return;     };      var imagetype = typematch[1];      if (imagetype != "jpg" && imagetype != "png") {         console.log('skipping non-image ' + srckey);         return;     };       (function resizeimage () {         function download () {              console.log("started!");              s3.getobject({                     bucket: srcbucket,                     key: srckey                 },                 function (err, response) {                     if (err) {                         console.error(err);                     }                     // call transform if successful                     transform (response);                 }             );         };          function transform (response) {              ( var = 0; i<len; i++ ) {                  // define path image write                 var _key = _filepath (tmpobj, i);                  // resize images                 gm(response.body, srckey)                     .resize(_sizesarray[i].width)                     .write(_key, function (err) {                         if (err) {                             console.error(err);                         }                         upload ();                     });             }         };          function upload () {              ( var = 0; i<len; i++ ) {                  var readpath = _filepath (tmpobj, i);                  var writepath = _filepath (i);                  // read file temp directory                 fs.readfile(readpath, function (err, data) {                     if (err) {                         console.error(err);                     }                      // upload images s3 bucket                     s3.putobject({                         bucket: srcbucket,                         key: writepath,                         body: data,                         contenttype: data.type                     },                     function (err) {                         if (err) {                             console.error(err);                         }                         console.log("uploaded success!");                     });                 })             }             // manual cleanup of temporary directory             tmpobj.removecallback();         };     }()); }; 

here's partial improvement, note use of async library. have issues in upload() because firing 4 asynchronous calls (in loop) , there's no easy way know when done. (well, easy way rewrite function use async library, async.foreach)

// dependencies var aws = require('aws-sdk'); var gm = require('gm').subclass({ imagemagick: true }); var fs = require("fs"); var tmp = require("tmp"); var async = require("async");  // reference s3 client var s3 = new aws.s3();  var _800px = {   width: 800,   destinationpath: "large" };  var _500px = {   width: 500,   destinationpath: "medium" };  var _200px = {   width: 200,   destinationpath: "small" };  var _45px = {   width: 45,   destinationpath: "thumbnail" };  var _sizesarray = [_800px, _500px, _200px, _45px];  var len = _sizesarray.length;  exports.awshandler = function(event) {   // read options event.   var srcbucket = event.records[0];   var srckey = event.records[0].s3.object.key;   var dstnkey = srckey;    // create temporary directory   var tmpobj = tmp.dirsync();    // function determine paths   function _filepath (directory, i) {     if (!directory) {       return "dst/" + _sizesarray[i].destinationpath + "/" + dstnkey;     } else {       return directory + "/dst/" + _sizesarray[i].destinationpath + "/" + dstnkey;     }   };     // infer image type.   var typematch = srckey.match(/\.([^.]*)$/);   if (!typematch) {     console.error('unable infer image type key ' + srckey);     return;   };    var imagetype = typematch[1];    if (imagetype != "jpg" && imagetype != "png") {     console.log('skipping non-image ' + srckey);     return;   };     // call resizeimage, main pipeline function:   resizeimage(function(err){     // done. manual cleanup of temporary directory     tmpobj.removecallback();   })     function resizeimage (callback) {     var s3obj = {       bucket: srcbucket,       key: srckey     };     download(s3obj, function(response){       var gmconfigs =, i){         return {           width: size.width           _key: _filepath (tmpobj, i)         }       })        async.eachseries(gmconfigs,       function(config, done){         transform(response, config.width, config._key, done)       },       function(err){         if(err){           console.log(err);         } else {           upload();           // further work required identify if uploads worked,           // , know when call callback() here           // callback();         }       })     })   }    function download (s3obj, callback) {     console.log("started!");      s3.getobject(s3obj, function (err, response) {       if (err) {         console.error(err);       }       // call transform if successful       callback(response);     });   };    function transform (response, width, _key, callback) {     // resize images     gm(response.body, srckey)     .resize(width)     .write(_key, function (err) {       if (err) {         console.error(err);       }       callback();     });   };    function upload () {     ( var = 0; i<len; i++ ) {       var readpath = _filepath (tmpobj, i);       var writepath = _filepath (i);       // read file temp directory       fs.readfile(readpath, function (err, data) {         if (err) {           console.error(err);         }          // upload images s3 bucket         s3.putobject({           bucket: srcbucket,           key: writepath,           body: data,           contenttype: data.type         },         function (err) {           if (err) {             console.error(err);           }           console.log("uploaded success!");         });       })     }   };  }; 


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