vb.net - Addition and Subtraction of Random Numbers -

i trying make simple math game made of 3 forms. first form title screen has button start game. when button pressed make form 2 visible. form 2 generate 2 random numbers , either “+” or “-“ symbol , begin timer. user inputs answer text box , clicks “check answer” button, display either “correct” or “incorrect” label. want repeat 5 times , final time display form 3 show total time taken , number of correct answers.

so far in first form have:

public class startform public randomnumber new random()  private sub button1_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles button1.click      me.hide()     questionform.show()      questionform.num1.text = randomnumber.next(1, 100)     questionform.num2.text = randomnumber.next(1, 100)     questionform.mathsymbol.text = randomnumber.next(1, 10)      if questionform.mathsymbol.text = 1         questionform.mathsymbol.text = "+"     elseif questionform.mathsymbol.text = 2         questionform.mathsymbol.text = "+"     elseif questionform.mathsymbol.text = 3         questionform.mathsymbol.text = "+"     elseif questionform.mathsymbol.text = 4         questionform.mathsymbol.text = "+"     elseif questionform.mathsymbol.text = 5         questionform.mathsymbol.text = "+"     else         questionform.mathsymbol.text = "-"     end if  end sub  end class 

and in second form have:

public class questionform  public count integer = 0 public ans integer   private sub button1_click(byval sender system.object, byval e system.eventargs) handles button1.click      if mathsymbol.text = "+"         convert.toint32(num1.text)         convert.toint32(num2.text)         ans = num1.text + num2.text     else         ans = num1.text - num2.text     end if      if answerbox.text = ans         correctlabel.visible = true     else         incorrectlabel.visible = true     end if  end sub  end class 

this causes answer displayed "incorrect" should fix it? having trouble getting timer work.

thank you.


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