cordova - 'Error capturing image' with Phonegap on Android -

i need capture image phonegap app. on ios works fine on android (via phonegap build) throws error "error capturing image".

i added following lines config.xml doesn't change anything:

<feature name="camera">     <param name="android-package" value="" /> </feature> <feature name="" /> <feature name="" /> <feature name="" /> <feature name="" /> <feature name="" /> 

my api call looks that:

    $(document).on('click', '#camerapreview', function() {         picturesource =;         destinationtype =;, ongetpicturefail, {           quality: 40,           sourcetype:,           destinationtype: camera.destinationtype.file_uri,           allowedit: true,             encodingtype: camera.encodingtype.jpg,           targetwidth: 1000,           targetheight: 1000,           savetophotoalbum: true,           correctorientation: 1         });     }); 

i use phonegap 3.7 phonegap build.

ok, know answer. problem savetophotoalbum: true option. android doesn't recognize this. when delete option works fine.


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