Re arranging the columns in csv file in php -

i m reading csv file , updating csv file , saving it.i want rearrange columns in new file after second column want add tenth column before third ,but when m trying replacing second column tenth column not adding after second one.following code

<?php $infile='file.csv'; $outfile='file_updated.csv'; $read = fopen($infile, 'r'); $write = fopen($outfile, 'w'); if ($write && $read) {     while (($data = fgetcsv($read)) !== false) {         unset($data[1]);         $data[2]=$data[10];         fputcsv($write, $data);     } } fclose($write); fclose($read); ?> 

why not make array of order want after , build new data array write.

$order = array(1,2,10,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); while (($data = fgetcsv($read)) !== false) {     $new = array();     foreach($order $index)         $new[] = $data[$index];     fputcsv($write, $new); } 


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