java - From File[] files to directory -

i have problem code:

public class files {      public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {         // filter files aaa.txt , bbb.txt another's         file f = new file("d:\\dir"); // current directory         file f1 = new file("d:\\dir1\\");           filenamefilter textfilter = new filenamefilter() {             public boolean accept(file dir, string name) {                  if (name.startswith("a") && name.endswith(".txt")) {                     //system.out.println(name);                     return true;                 }                 else if (name.startswith("b") && name.endswith(".txt")) {                     //system.out.println(name);                     return true;                 }                 else {                     //system.out.println(name);                     return false;                 }             }         };          file[] files = f.listfiles(textfilter);         (file file : files) {             if (file.getname().startswith("a") ) {                 //here save file d:\\folder1\\             }         }     } } 

how can save files specific name in example aaa.txt folder1 , bbb.txt folder 2. examples

from files class java 7:
use move(path source, path target, copyoption... options)

import static java.nio.file.standardcopyoption.*; import java.nio.file.filesystem; import java.nio.file.path; import java.nio.file.files; ... (file file : files) {       if (file.getname().startswith("a") ) {      //here save file d:\\folder1\\      // convert file path object use topath() method.      path targetfilepath = filesystems.getdefault().getpath("d:\\folder1\\").resolve(file.getfilename())      files.move(file.topath(), targetfilepath , replace_existing);   } } 


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