class - how to get multiple screen data and submit from final screen in android? -
i have 5 screens homedetails,addressdetails,officedetails, positiondetails,applydetails. these details submit applydetails class. here doubt is, when click submit button in applydetails class, send classes information server. how can homedetails,addressdetails,officedetails,positiondetails data in applydetails class. you can save data using sharedpreferences. for ex. wanna save string in mainactivity class sp = getsharedpreferences("savedata", 0); sharedpreferences.editor ed = sp.edit(); ed.putstring("string1", stringtobesent); ed.commit(); now retrieve in class use sp = getsharedpreferences("savedata", 0); string retrievedstring = sp.getstring("string1","");